'big daddies' daughter p4

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I finished throwing the last couple of books in my bag making sure I had everything I needed in the car.

"All set?" She asks I turned and saw y/n having a ciggertte in her little grey dress 

"I think so, I'm really gonna miss you" I smiled wrapping my arms around her giving her a sweet cuddle 

"I'll miss you too Benny, but you'll see me soon"

"Umm I will, and I'll finally get to see this magical dress that you've literally taken a mortgage out on"

"Don't exaggerate, Benny!" She laughed going to get herself a drink

"I'm not exaggerating, that dress has cost more then the whole rest of our wedding"

"It's my wedding dress it has to be grand and beautiful" 

"I know it does darling, and I can't wait to see it" I smiled taking her hand a giving it a gentle kiss being careful of her beautiful ring "next I see you you'll be in that beautiful dress, and I'll get to finally make you my wife"

"You will, I'm so very excited"

"I know, in excited too. But one more little tournament you can head off to your parents and I'll see you at the alter" 

"Indeed you will, be careful"

"I always am" I laughed giving her a kiss "love ya"

"Love you too, now go on else you'll be late" she says pushing me towards the door I got the last of my stuff and headed up to my beetle I gave her another hug and a kiss and we said our goodbyes before I climbed in and started up heading off down the street, I didn't want to go honestly I was happy blowing off this tournament given our imminent wedding but she had the fun idea of me going so she could get out her stuff without me around so we won't see each other till the wedding. Her and all her damn suspesticion. But I didn't mind if I'll get me out of more wedding planning. I'll take it! I didn't have to go far; it was only up in new Hampshire. I swear these chess places are getting weirder.

I arrived at the hotel and checked into my room dumping my stuff on the bed but being careful with the important stuff actually using the hotel wardrobe for my wedding attire I thought for everything bit of that outfit I'm gonna look after it I did some practice and had myself a shower as I had skipped one when I got up this morning and began getting dressed for my first game starting this afternoon I had only half dressed when there was a loud violent knock on my door I was confused so I slipped a shirt over my shoulders and went and got it, knowone there not a soul was about on the floor I shook it off as just stupid kids or something finishing getting dressed and heading down for my first game.

I was happy having wiped the competition across the floor like a mop. So I was celebrating just one drink at the hotel bar to celebrate retaining the champion status for another year, my envelope of winnings in my pocket. I sipped my blue ribbon beer and thought to myself, about everything and nothing really. I felt bad about her family paying for much or our wedding but anytime I offered anything her father always said 'no. She's my baby. She wants a sixteen teir red velvet cake. Daddy will make it happen" nothing was out of the question of she wanted it her parents would pay for it, I felt awful about it I'd barely put anything in to pay and it's my wedding only thing I bought was the engagement ring, and I didn't even choose it she picked it out I just paid for it. But I didn't want to impose not given who her dad is. But so long as she's happy. We did have to do some very complex planning for the wedding mostly for seating and such I did reach out to my family or at least a couple of them that are still around and I'm on... decent terms with but no responses so my whole side was honestly just friends but I didn't mind I wouldn't want alot of family sniffing around anyway. It kinda hit me that I'll really be a part of her family her mother, father and siblings had treated me like family ever since I met them but I guess after this I really will be family. I wonder if he'll ask me do murder anyone now. I do hope not. I sipped my drink a little more and noticed I was kinda worried, not that I'm having second thoughts not at all. I wanna marry her, I want us to get married but... I don't know probably just nerves. Well just three more days here to relax then off to the wedding.

"Excuse me? Mr watts?" A man asked as he came up to be at the bar 

"Yes?" I asked turning to see him unsure who really to expect it was a tall strong man in a black suit and red shirt 

"Would you mind coming with us sir?" he says to me and I noticed another larger man behind me clearly with him 

"Where?" I asked him moving my bspars hand that had been sat on my leg to my hip gently and quietly unbuttoning my holster for my knife

'for a walk" 

"Why would I wanna go on a walk with you?"

"I'm sure you do sir" he said moving his suit jacket back revealing his concealed handgun 

"That a threat?" I asked moving on the bar stool revealing to him my knife 

"We don't want any trouble now. Wouldn't want you to miss... your wedding"

"How do you know about that?" I asked we had kept our upcoming wedding secret from anyone who wasn't family or friends and informed them to do the same, I'll tell chess review and all that after we wanted the privacy and given who her family was that was a good idea. 

"A birdy told us"

Begrudgingly I went with them walking out the bar we talked about the weather and the tournament as we headed down the path in front of the hotel I was about to break the pleasantries and asked what exactly they wanted but I felt a hard violent knock on the back of my head my vision going fuzzy and I fell to the ground-

I woke up handcuffed to a table in a dark room with only one small light above me I knew I was bleeding, but all I could think about was time. How long had I been knocked out? Where am I? How long did I have till I'd miss everything? 

"Good evening Mr watts" a voice spoke up

"Who are you? What do you want with me?"

"I'm let's call... a rival business of your soon to be father in law" he smirked 

"What do you want with me?"

"Simple really. I've been looking to get an audience with big daddy himself for so many years now but always he as denied me. So I figured what better way to grab his attention then... inviting his little baby girls fiance to come stay with us a little while"

"A little while?"

"Next week sound good?" 

"What? No! No no I can't be here that long. I'll... I'll miss the-"

"I know. Thats the idea" he smirked 

"Why are you doing this me and y/n having nothing to do with the business"

"Your family. Aren't you. It's a family business. You smile at the fur coats and diamonds prancing around the fancy houses don't complain when the family business comes back to bite you in the ass" 

"Please, I promise I will make her father speak to you just please let me go. I can't miss this please, it'll break her little heart"

"Until big daddy speaks with me, your not going anywhere" he smirked "now tell me you right or left handed mr watts?"

"Right. Why?" I asked but he didn't answer before I could ask again this man emerged from the darkness in his red suit he grabbed my right wrist pinning it to the table and before I even had time to think I heard a clang of metal on the table. I looked and I saw a meat cleaver wedged in the table blood hadn't even started yet I hadn't even registered the pain for a second but then it all hit me. My finger gushed blood, I screamed in agony he picked up my now severed index finger putting it in a small box 

"Ice him. I don't want him loosing too much blood" he says a man came from the dark and began wrapping my finger to stop the bleeding and we'll keep me alive. He wrapped a little red bow around the small box and evil smiled at me "a little wedding present for miss y/l/n" he smirked before leaving.  

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