I couldn't find the words to say P2

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As I made my way towards my car, I could feel my heart pounding with both nervousness and excitement. My stomach was a battlefield, with mixed emotions waging war within me. Despite the heavy rain and the dreary atmosphere, I got into my car and began driving through the wet streets of New York. The sound of the raindrops hitting the roof of my car was calming, but I still felt uneasy.

Finally, I pulled up behind the blue beetle. Memories of that fateful night when I watched its taillights disappear through the rain came flooding back, causing my stomach to turn. But I composed myself and grabbed my bag, making sure to take my white umbrella with me to keep the rain from drenching my Y/h/C hair.

As I stepped out of the car, I could feel the cold raindrops hitting my face, causing me to shiver. I was determined to face whatever was ahead, no matter how difficult it may be. Despite the rain, I closed my umbrella and carefully walked down the stairs, trying not to slip on the wet and slippery steps. I could feel the foul-smelling dampness of the basement, which made me feel uneasy. As I reached the metal door, I hesitated for a moment, feeling overwhelmed by fear. But I took a deep breath and forced myself to knock three times, hoping that someone would answer. The sound of my knocking echoed through the basement, making me feel even more anxious. I waited nervously, every second feeling like an eternity, until finally, the door creaked open, revealing the person I had been waiting for. Benny stood before me, appearing disheveled and exhausted. He was barefoot and wearing black jeans without a belt. His white button-down shirt was partially unbuttoned and rolled up at the sleeves, revealing his forearms. Underneath the shirt, he had on a black t-shirt to keep out the cold. His chains clinked against his shirt as he shifted his weight nervously. On his trembling yellow-stained fingers, I noticed several rings. His hair was messy and matted, and his facial hair was unkempt and in dire need of a trim. His eyes were bloodshot and puffy from crying, and I could see the pain and exhaustion etched on his face.

The scent of the apartment hit me - cigarette smoke, beer, and lemon fresh air freshener in an attempt to cover up the other two. Despite the air freshener, there was a lingering stench in the apartment that made it clear that Benny had not been keeping up with his cleaning.

Our eyes met, and for a brief moment, both of us were at a loss for words. The silence was heavy and uncomfortable, as we both tried to process what had happened.

I embraced him tightly, wrapping my arms around his neck, and buried my nose into his chest. As I did so, I could feel his own arms envelop me, pulling me in closer. It was a tender and emotional moment, as I sensed his tears falling onto the strands of my hair. It was a powerful reminder of the depth of his emotions and the trust he had placed in me to share this vulnerable moment.

I sat in my chair, feeling the weight of the world on my shoulders. My mind was racing, but I couldn't seem to find the words to express my thoughts. The only sound in the room was the sound of rain and thunder outside, punctuated by the occasional crack of lightning.

I looked over at Y/n, who was sitting on the ottoman across the room. She had refused my offer to swap seats, opting instead for the ottoman. She looked stunning in her little white dress with a black belt cinched tightly around her waist. Her sheer tights hugged her legs, and her little white sneakers looked brand new.

As I took in her appearance, I noticed that her face was free of makeup, revealing how red her eyes were from crying. Her Y/h/C hair was pulled back into a braid, hiding how dirty it really was.

Feeling nervous, I reached for the pack of cigarettes on the table and pulled one out. My hands were shaking as I lit it with my lighter from the ashtray stand. I tossed the pack back onto the table, and it made a loud thud as it hit the wood.

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⏰ Last updated: May 08 ⏰

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