Chapter 2 : Uraraka

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Bring you to the present they are like 20 now
Izuku POV

"Dose everyone understand the plan? Good." Caption Azaiwa says as he dismisses everyone From the meeting explaining what are roles were in this mission. As I gather myself to leave I could hear the chirpy voice of Uraraka coming closer to were I stand.

This is going to be a big mission are you nervous Because I am?!" She says as her smile on face somehow only grows as she approaches. I could not help but smile back, she is one of my best friends after all.

"Yea I am kinda nervous, we can't exactly mess up this mission it could change a lot in this war" the mission one we can not afford to mess up is in a cupple of days, I could feel my nerves picking up.
We start to walk back to the camp were we rest as are conversation transitioned from serious to more friendlier topics.

"haha I know right! The food they serve here is not to good but was the schools any better?" Uraraka said with a bubbly laugh remembering the terrible food the high school served, sometimes we even questioned if you can call it edible. Even though We both met in training for the military, both of are high schools had terrible food.

"ok yes your right both are bad food but was half of what served even food! My milk was DEFINITELY was not milk!" Laughs of that memory poured out of throat. Memory's of high schools craziness with all of my friends I made, but not one memory had him in it...
"Hahaha, Yea the milk was grosss!" Uraraka laughed stumbling on her feet. Witch made us both laugh.

"Oh there you are Midoria, Uraraka I was looking everywhere inside the cabins for you two!" Ida yells trotting to get to us.

"Haha yea, we decided to take a really slow walk back here." Urarakasaid
The three of us walked back to the cabins to take a rest for the night it was quit late being around 11 pm.
Once we got inside we split our ways saying are goodbyes.

I couldn't help but feel exhausted, climbing up to my top bunk and just collapsed. Kicking my shoes to the end of the bed and curling in under the warm blankets. As I shut my eyes my mind could not help but wonder. Taking me back to when life was easier, when I didn't have to fight, when I could just play with him. When instead of staying in school working my butt off, would watch movies with him. Somehow that night all I thought about was him... kachan the jerk who left and made my fear of him just up and leaving to disappear in my arms true. I could feel myself falling deeper and deeper into the pit until I feel deep asleep.

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