Prelude 2: Singlehood declaration

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That's it, I've had it up to here with these failed guy friendships! It's doing me a lot more harm than good, so no more I say. No more guy friends in my personal life. I'm riding it out on my own and don't need all this unnecessary baggage. I'm locking up my heart under a lock and key and building up walls so damn high that you think I was a castle (yes a One Republic No Vacancy song reference). I'm doing the unthinkable as a hopeless romantic - I'm declaring to be single for the next 3 years. And any guy who tries to talk to me outside of uni project requirements, not interested (sorry not sorry!).

Of course it's the Jim Bowen attraction theory (credit to Miranda Dickinson author) comes into play the moment you make a bold declaration like that. Next thing I know guys from my church are coming at me left, right and centre cause they just want something that they can't have. It wouldn't have been so bad if they weren't approaching me for superficial reasons, but they were. They were just interested simply cause I was a single girl and they had no intention in really knowing me (which made me uncomfortable at times so I just kept giving clear assertive signs that I wasn't interested).

This was the season where I really started to feel empowered in my singlehood status of learning who I was as a person and what I wanted in life/friendships. More importantly, I learned I didn't necessarily need a guy friend in my life to be happy, because I was more than strong enough to stand on my own two feet. Plus it also helped that I trademarked the 4S's in this season of life: Smart, Strategic and Sassy yet still Sweet at times ;) Feeling 22 vibes!

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