Author's note

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Here are a collection of hilarious, funny, sometimes ridiculous yet sometimes disappointing, albeit sad stories with a twist of hopeless romantic fails. Which may or may not be based on my own life ;) But that is for me to know and for you to figure out =p

It's my heartfelt dream that this short story collection will actually become a Netflix TV show one day. I would love to see the idea of just watching Tales of Hopeless Romantic Fails and raising my glass of lemon water in solidarity and going yep, I've been there too ;)

Happy readings! =) Be prepared for moments of, I can't believe that just happened?! Is this for real or just really good fiction?  Thanks so much for reading, I've been overwhelmed with the amount of support from my friends to publish this! They kept asking questions about it and when it'll be ready, so here it is! =)

One of the best things about publishing on Wattpad is all the interactive media features (you can't get that from an old school book!). So welcome to a virtual diary short story complete with songs and photos! Every one of entries has a song embedded in the chapter header. Which means you can either play the entire song while you're reading the first 3 pages of each chapter (sadly it doesn't have the functionality to play for the entire chapter) or listen to it before reading to get into the moods - it's entirely up to you! Have fun =D

Side note, I know this book is pretty much about fails from the guys but just so you know, I know that girls aren't exempt from it either (ooh the stories I've heard/seen). So it definitely goes both ways. Both sides are just as capable doing weird and wacky things that make absolutely no sense. Hence the Heartbreak Weather song by Niall Horan ;) and Me and My Broken Heart by Rixton (those poor guys getting scammed by pretty girls 😅).

P.S: If you're reading this and you're thinking it sounds a little bit too familiar, I have no comment. What I will say though, is that it's been almost 10 years =p

P.P.S: I got all my emojis 🙃😉🤓😎🎈out of the way now, so no emoji writing from here on out! There's also all kinds of fun Easter Eggs scattered across the book. Some are obvious and others are more obscure. Happy hunting!

Tales of Hopeless Romantic FailsOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora