I knew you were trouble

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"I knew you were trouble when you walked in."
Taylor Swift, I knew you were trouble.

Summer 2018

Dear Diary,

After the last epic fail, surely it can only get better here on out and can't get any worse. Maybe I should stop jinxing myself? Have no expectations, yep that's the way to go. You know how people say breaking up over text is the worst way to go about it? Cause it seems insensitive and heartless? Well I've found something that makes text suddenly look a bit more personal. Google Docs comment. Yes you read that right, Google Docs comments. At this point, text doesn't seem that bad after all?

It's times like these, I wonder if the christian guys at my church missed the 101 class that my platonic non christian guy friends went to in learning how to treat a girl right. Cause they never in a million years do that to a girl. Sadly, I no longer had Ed to vent to get some advice and blow off some steam. He moved back home with his parents, so no more night therapy chats on the terrace. It wasn't all too bad though, a new neighbour was moving into his place.

Meeting Todd:

Although Todd technically was Ed's replacement for the apartment next door, there was mix-up. So he ended up one apartment away from me. As a result we didn't really cross paths until the long weekend. When I was fixing up my new mobile phone (the customer support person I was on hold with was hopeless). Deep in conversation with them, I forgot I had left my uni papers on terrace. It was super windy when I opened the door, which sent my papers flying everywhere on the terrace. Luckily Todd just happened to be there and collected all the ones that fell on his side. Next thing I know, he's knocking on my door to kindly return them.

I opened the door to thank him and asked whether he happened to be a tech expert, cause the customer service support person had hung up on me. Apparently my phone problem was too hard for them to solve. Well don't sell phones with dual sims then! Luckily Todd was a tech expert and managed to fix my new phone in the next 10 minutes. From there we bonded over conversations about tech, engineering (he did mechanical) and 20something life problems. Whenever we had conversations, we always had to talk loudly for the other to hear over the terrace. The middle resident refused to open the terrace gates for us to chat, so that was our solution. It definitely didn't deter us, it just made the whole situation more humorous.

 It definitely didn't deter us, it just made the whole situation more humorous

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Overtime he came to me for some girl advice. There was this girl he really liked but she misled him. He did everything for this girl: drove her to her classes, carried all her stuff, and for her birthday he drove 126 miles to New Jersey just to get her favourite salt water taffy. He was just about to confess his feelings for her, when her international boyfriend walked in. Poor guy, this whole time he had no idea she had a boyfriend. He felt conned (see Me and My Broken Heart by Rixton in Author's Note ). If that wasn't enough, she still said she wanted to be friends with Todd (the girl wanted have her cake and eat it too).

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