Smesh Vs Fake Crash: The Eat-Off

Start from the beginning

Mindy: Wow... I didnt know this was possible. You didnt leave anything behind!

FC: *panting* Pffft....

TC: Nice job to both of you. You've compleated round 1. Now, its time for round 2!! But, I see you two are very full. Will you forfeit the match, or keep going?

Smesh, holding his bloated stomach, looked over at FC. FC looked over too, giving each other death glares.

Smesh: Im not giving up to this chump!

FC: *gibbrish* Me neither.

TC: Round 2 it is then!! Ready to hear the next food? It is... Soda and Ice Cream!! Smesh, soda! Fake Crash, Ice Cream!

Smesh: It better Be Pepsi.

FC: *gibbrish* Chocolate!!

TC: Alright. Requests are done!! You'll each have 10 minutes to chug, and eat your selected foods. Ready... Set... GOOOOO!!!!!

Fake Crash this time reacted first, taking a first giant spoonful of Chocolate Ice Cream. Smesh began chugging the giant bottle of Pepsi without stoppimg once.

FC: *gibbrish* Brain freeze... BRAIN FREEZE!!!

Despite that, Fake Crash still kept a leveled head, and continued eating. Smesh was able to finish the giant bottle, before letting out a huge burp. The the audience laughed.

FC: *chuckles* Excuse you! Huhuhuhuhhoooooo!!

Smesh: Grrrrrrrr*hiccup*

FC laughed even harder, as he continued eating last bit of ice cream. Smesh snarled, and chugged his last bottle.

Cristina: COME ON SMESHY!!!!

Mindy: GO TRASHY GO!!!!

The two once again tied the same time. Fake Crash's head was stuck in a giant ice cube. Probebly from all the ice cream, and the giant brain freeze. Smesh pretty much looked like a water balloon about to pop.

Cristina: Oh my! You really went all out.

Smesh: I dont feel good at all...*stomach noises*

Mindy bolted over to Fake Crash, still frozen in place.

Mindy: Dont worry Trashy! I'll get you out of there!!!

She grabbed a fork, and began stabbing her way through the ice. After a few more stabs, the ice broke, releasing Fake Crash.

FC: *shrieks* C-c-c-cold!!!

Mindy used her tentacles to warm him right back up. The two challngers looked tired, swollen, and about down with this.

TC: Thats it for round two! Its another tie!

Everyone: WHAT?!?!?!

TC: Yup. 2 ties in a row. Luckly, this, is the final round! It will be selected by Cristina and Mindy. You two, what will the final round be? Cristina and Mindy look at each other, and instantly, an idea came to their minds.

Cristina: PIE!!!
Mindy: PIE!!!

Smesh: UGH!!!
Fake Crash: UGH!!!

TC: Pie it is! You two going to finish? Or call it quits?

Smesh and Fake Crash painfully look at each other. Then they nod in agreement.

TC: Alrighty then. This will be the final round!! You two will be eating pie!! And not the Math, but Apple!! Ready? Set... FINAL ROUND BITCHES!!!!!!

The final round began. Fake Crash straight up takes a hug chunk of the pie, and slowly munched on it. Smesh tries doing the same thing, and it seems to be the right choice. Going slowly would allow them to eat more without feeling sick. The crowd began cheering loudly, and started chanting their names.

FC: 'Gosh... I cant... no more'

Smesh: 'Therea no way in hell im finishing this'.

Cristina and Mindy noticed that the two were slowing down a little.

Cristina: Keep going!! Why are you stopping?!

Mindy: Trashy no!

The two girls looked at each other, and smirked.

Cristina: If you cant finish.. I'LL MAKE YOU!!!

Cristina grabbed a pie, and slammed it into Smesh's face.

Mindy: Same for you Trashy!!!

Mindy also slammed a pie into Fake Crash's face. The crowd began laughing their asses off, TC included. For the next several minutes, the girls were just shoving pies down their BF's throats.

TC: Ok ok!! Thats enough ladies. The competition is over!!!

The crowd cheered. The two looked exhausted, while the girls cleaned up.

TC: Now, its time to pick a winner. And the the winner is-

TC was cut off by snoring. It was Fake Crash, who was using his fat stomach as a pillow.

TC: Oh, uh... Seems like Fake Crash couldnt stand anymore of this. I guess that means that means the Winner is Smesh!!!

The crowd cheered loudly once again. Smesh slowly raised a fist bump in the air.

Cristina: YOU DID IT!!!

Smesh: Mhm... I think my heart just exploded....

TC: HAHAHA!!!!! You might wanna get rid of that. There only 1 room in the Multiverse for a fat guy, and thats me. But, congratulation on winning!! Have a goodnight folks!!!

(Congrats to Smesh for winning, and congrats to Crisrina for veing such a great coach.)
(Now, I got something that im very excited about. Im going to be making my first lemon book! I already have my first chapter, but request will happen. More details in the future)
(Thats all I got. See ya around!!)

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