Smesh Vs Fake Crash: The Eat-Off

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*shout out to my buddies SmeshBras123 and CristinaPerez682*

We start off in a very fancy looking stage. We see the MXM god, Smesh, and his GF, Cristina. Next to him, is the bucked tooth bandicoot, Fake Crash, and next him, Mindy, a sanitized octoling that is also, his GF.

Cristina: Are you sure this is a good idea?

Smesh: Yes! This bushy eyebrowed moron wont stand.

Cristina laughed, and agreed to help coach him.

Mindy: Idk if this is smart... you might g-g-get sick.

FC: *gibbrish* Nah. A punk like him wont last at all.

Mindy softly giggles, and also agrees. TC then comes in the room.

TC: Alright, attention everyone! I see were going to be having an eating competition. Smesh vs Fake Crash.

The four of them nod together.

TC: Ok! First. Do you to have a helper?

Cristina: Yep!

Mindy: Mhm...

TC: Alright. We shall start the eating Competiton!!

Crash, Bridgett, Coco, Desti, Crunch, Mario, Meggy, and the rest of the multiverse were all in the crowd, cheering.

TC: First: Opponents, shake hands.

Smesh and FC turn to each other, and shake hands.

Smesh: God luck...

FC: Mhm... *weired noises*

TC: Now, the first round. The food is... PIZZA!!!!!


FC: Oooh... *licks lips*

Out of nowhere, 2 giant boxes appeared in fron of the two.

TC: Yes. You'll have 10 minutes to each this giant sheet pizza. And yes, drinks are allowed.

Smesh and FC look at each other, and got themselves ready.

TC: Alright! 3... 2... 1... GOOO!!!!!

Smesh was the first to react, taking his first slice down with no problem. FC, not willing to be last, was able to fit two slices in his mouth, despite his teeth being in the way. Cristina and Mindy were in the back cheering for their loved ones. The crowd was also cheering for the contestants.

Smesh: 'Im not going down this easily!!'

FC: 'Never never NEVER!!'

Smesh had eaten about 13 slices, with FC not doing to bad either, with 12 in a half.

TC: Holy cow! Their going all off on these Pizzas!!

FC ran out of breath, and realised how chubby his stomach was.

Smesh: *burps* Oh man... getting full...

The two still werent going down without a fight, and they continued their last slices. The crowd went nuts and boltz. Only 10 more seconds left. The two force their last slices down, and pressed the butten at the same time.


Cristina and Mindy walk up to theur BFs.

Cristina: Oh my! You ate everything!

Smesh: Ugh... I dont feel good.

His stomach was almost out of his shirt. That how much pizza there was.

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