''Then, what's the result? Is it the same taste? Are you still confused? Didn't I appeared in front of you yesterday when I saved Wu Xie from Zhang Dannie? I gave you a hint that he is not me, not Heipaoshi!'' Shen Wei said her jealousy words.

Zhao Yunlan chuckles a little to hear this girl is jealous over him and Wu Xie.

''Chief, I told you too that Wu Xie is not Heipaoshi, but you didn't believe on me!'' Da Qing replied from the backseat.

''Okay, okay! I defeated! I know I made a mistake to think of him as you, Shen Wei because of his lips, his white paler skin, his body appearance and his voice are all similar to Heipaoshi. So I thought him. Even you appeared in front of us yesterday, but still I can't find the similar Heipaoshi with you all except Wu Xie and you. But you are a girl. So, the left is Wu Xie. But when I tasted his lips, his lips taste is different from Heipaoshi. When he can't shake me to escape as I held him tight, and then you came and punched me after you can pull me from him, I believed that Wu Xie is not Heipaoshi, but it's you, Shen Wei!'' Zhao Yunlan told his thoughts.

Shen Wei silently smiles.

''Forgive me please to make that sudden scene to him in front of you. I know you are hurt for my did to him. I am sorry, Shen Wei. I will not do that again,'' Zhao Yunlan apologized.

Shen Wei nods.

''But please hide about me from them, okay? I don't want they know about me. You know the underworld criminals hate me the most. Besides, I need to protect you too if they know you are Kunlun's reincarnation and we love each other. They will use you as a bait to get me like my twin brother did to Kunlun. I don't want to lose you again, Yunlan!'' Shen Wei requested.

Zhao Yunlan sighs. He holds Shen Wei's hand and he pulls that hand to his chest. Shen Wei can feels the heartbeat of Zhao Yunlan on her back hand.

''This heart is only for you, Xiao Wei since beginning. Since you with Kunlun and now this heart is within me, Zhao Yunlan. It's beating to the same person before I know you are Heipaoshi. I got confused at first to think of me fell in love to two person with different gender but now I know I just fell to a girl and it's you, Hei laoge! Oh... Maybe I should call you Hei laojie after this?'' Zhao Yunlan replied and he teased at the end.

Shen Wei chuckles to hear that calling of Hei laojie (old black sister).

''Don't you ever try that, Yunlan! Call me as you usual call me in my real form and my name in this current form. Don't reveal me to the others. And you too, Liu Sang, Wang and Sang!'' Shen Wei warned not only to Zhao Yunlan, but also to Liu Sang in Lin's car as well as to Wang and Sang in Zhao Yunlan's watch.

''We will not, Heipaoshi!'' Wang suddenly replied from the inside of watch, making Zhao Yunlan laughs and Shen Wei just smiles.

''Thanks, Yunlan to accept me even though you know... I am older 10,000 years from you,'' Shen Wei thanked to her new lover.

''Even you are 100,000 centuries older than me, my heart still know the real owner, Xiao Wei!'' Zhao Yunlan replied and they smile to each other while Da Qing silently thanks to the emperor to give him back his master's lover as Shen Wei told about that pendant with Kunlun's soul fire that the emperor gave to Heipaoshi to find her lover's reincarnation in this human world.

''You need to apologize to Wu Xie, chief! Also to Xiao Bai! They two are still angry at you till now,'' Da Qing interrupted from the backseat.

''Oh, yeah! You are right, fat cat. I will apologize to them soon,'' Zhao Yunlan replied and Shen Wei smiles to hear that.

Liu Sang that listening to all conversation from Shen Wei, Zhao Yunlan and Da Qing swallows hard when he heard the warning from Shen Wei. As he remembered about that cold blade on his neck, he can't help to feel a shiver for his scare till Zhu noticed that.

''Liu Sang, are you okay? Are you sick?'' Zhu asked.

''Err... No, Zhu jie! I am fine!'' Liu Sang replied while trying to calm down his heart.

Prof. Sansheng at his side just looks at him with a weird looking. But Liu Sang just assured to Prof. Sansheng that he is really fine. Lin at the driving seat ignored them all as his mind keeps thinking of Shen Wei that he thought as Heipaoshi. The real Heipaoshi. He can't help to feel the same shiver as Liu Sang, made Zhu feels weird to see Lin too.

''Is something happened that you two are shivering like this? Prof. Sansheng, is the weather cold now? Or because I am a reptilian that I can't feel the cold weather?'' Zhu curiously asked.

''Cold? Zhu, can't you see the weather outside is hot even though the thunder and lightening are frequently sounded from that place?'' Prof. Sansheng asked back as he pointed to the front to see the dark sky and lightening at the front but at their place, the weather is hotter.

''I wonder what's happened to the two of them to shiver like this,'' Zhu replied.

''I am fine. Maybe I catch a cold. Zhu, can you drive? I need a sleep for a moment,'' Lin said as he didn't want to make Zhu suspicious more on his behavior now.

''I guess me too, Lin! Let me sleep now,'' Liu Sang also said.

''Okay, okay! I will drive!'' Zhu replied and Lin pulls the car to side road.

The other cars behind are also followed and they saw Lin changed the seat with Zhu, making Zhao Yunlan frowns.

''What's happened to that crazy scientist? Is he fall sick?'' Zhao Yunlan asked to himself and he directly calls to Zhu at front as Zhu continued the driving.

''Chief, I don't know chief! Lin and Liu Sang are both shivering but they said they are fine and just catch a cold. They said they just need a sleep. They look terrible, chief!'' Zhu reported as she heard Zhao Yunlan's question from the phone.

''Okay, Zhu! Just let them sleep now. You focus on driving,'' Zhao Yunlan replied and he cuts the call before Zhu can reply.

Zhao Yunlan looks at Shen Wei but that girl just smiles.

''I think Liu Sang is scare of my warn. I threatened him with my blade last night when you went to shower. I sneaked out to his room and warned him as he can listen to our talk and unconsciously he knows about me. But for Lin... As you said those ghosts told you about Heipaoshi is amongst us in front of Lin, I guess Lin can guess who am I now. I just hope he didn't tell anyone,'' Shen Wei said.

''Naughty Hei laoge! You threatened him with a blade even though you can't kill human with your blade or scythe,'' Zhao Yunlan teased.

Shen Wei just smiles.

''What will happen to them? Will they fine?'' Zhao Yunlan asked with worry to think of them.

''Don't worry, Yunlan! They will be fine after some times. Let them sleep. They will be fine they woke up soon,'' Shen Wei replied.

Zhao Yunlan sighs and then he focuses on the driving back while following Lin's car and the two cars of researchers are at behind his car while Chu is driving the last car at the back. They drive to the place where the source of those frequently thunder and lightening are occurring till now. The more they are closer to that place, the more they can hear tbe frequently sound of providence.

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