Chapter 19

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After two months they are back from the last journey to find the sound of providence, Boss Jiao is back with his men and tried to get a new research of Prof. Erbai. Boss Jiao used the underworld criminal named Ding Dun to know the research of Prof. Erbai. Shen Wei got the information from Mr. Judge about that future seen criminal. Even after what happened to the bad Baipaoshi, Zhujiu and the previous underworld peoples, there are still the underworld criminals that wanted to escape and live on the ground for their greedy and selfish including Ding Dun.

Shen Wei walks out on that night while holding the hand of her lover at her side. Zhao Yunlan didn't release his hand on his lover as he didn't want something happens to his lover in this catchment. As they got the information about Ding Dun is wondering around this city, Zhao Yunlan used that chance to lure Ding Dun with the walk around that city with his lover. Shen Wei is still a consultant in SID.

''How is the others, Lin?'' Zhao Yunlan asked to Lin that observing on them all on the field.

''As usual, boring in waiting that criminal,'' Lin replied.

''Continue to watch and don't sleep!'' Zhao Yunlan warned.

''I will not, chief!'' Lin replied back with his chuckle.

Shen Wei at Zhao Yunlan's side just smiles to hear that. She knows Lin likes to sleep, playing games and watching movies during his works. That's caused Zhao Yunlan always mad at him. Suddenly, Shen Wei sensed that criminal is near them. She releases her energy, tried to find that criminal's scent and she can see that criminal is talking with someone near the car. She quickly portals to that car, leaving behind Zhao Yunlan that surprised to see her missing from his side.

''Ding Dun!'' Shen Wei called to Ding Dun at that car, almost making Ding Dun fled away.

Shen Wei releases her power and blocks that car from leaving the place while her hand is already grabbed on Ding Dun's hand to not run away. But Ding Dun is the future seen criminal. He holds Shen Wei's hand to be escaped but then he saw something through Shen Wei.

''You are pregnant, Heipaoshi!'' Ding Dun said his words, making Shen Wei startled and she almost lost her grip on Ding Dun if not Chu came and tied that criminal.

''Heipaoshi! What are you thinking? You are almost lost him from your grip!'' Chu whined to see his master is spacing out.

''Huh?! Sorry, Chu!'' Shen Wei replied with her guilty feeling.

Ding Dun laughs.

''She is pr... muff... muffff...'' Ding Dun can't finish his words when suddenly Shen Wei releases her power to cover Ding Dun's mouth, caused that future seen criminal muffling at his stood.

''She what? You what, Heipaoshi?'' Chu curiously asked.

''Nothing! He just bluffing. Tell Zhao Yunlan that I bring the criminal to Yan Wang! And you handle that one in the car!'' Shen Wei said and she portals to the other place, but not to the underworld.

Shen Wei portals to Wu Xie's house, startling that guy that drinking his water in the kitchen.

''Jiejie! You are startling me! What is it with this criminal? Isn't he that Mr. Judge asked you and the SID staffs to catch? That future seen criminal?'' Wu Xie kept asking for his curiosity to his new sister.

''Wu Xie, please bring him to Yan Wang now. I can't go to the underworld now,'' Shen Wei requested with a little whine.

''Can't go to the underworld? What do you mean, jiejie? Are you pregnant?'' Wu Xie asked.

Ding Dun muffles again but now he nods on behalf of Shen Wei.

''Jiejie, is it true? Oh, my! Okay, jiejie!'' Wu Xie replied and he changed to a good Baipaoshi before he brings Ding Dun to the underworld.

THE SOUND OF PROVIDENCEOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora