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Once upon a time,
There was a little girl
That little girl had bangs
She loved her bangs

But everyone she knew, didn't.
She didn't care,
All she cared about were her beautiful bangs.
Every time her bangs would reach her nose she would cut it again to the perfect length of her choice.

Her family thought her bangs looked disgusting.
So her family thought of ways on how to get rid of her bangs.
None of them could think of a way, until the little girl's grandma had an idea.

The little girl had a crush on this one boy at school and her grandma knew of it, so she used it as an advantage and talked to the boy.

The next day the little girl went to school and she saw her crush, He came up to her and said "hi" she looked at him shyly and blushed "hi" she said back to him. Then he said "I don't like your bangs" the girl looked at him with a blank expression and said " I don't give a f*ck" then she turned around and walked away leaving the boy standing there shocked and amused.

When she went home she cried in her room. Her grandma went to her and asked "what's wrong my dear?" She told her "my crush said he didn't like my bangs " then the grandma asked "what did you say to him then" she told her "I told him I don't give a f*ck" then her grandma looked at her shocked and thought (what kind of granddaughter do I have???
Oh I know a very strange one)

The next day at school the little girl saw her cru- "ex-crush" walking towards her. He went to the girl and said "hi" sweetly. She looked at him with a glare and replied "what" he then said " I like your bangs, I think it looks cute, like you " and he winked at her, she looked at him and blushed and she suddenly felt butterflies in her tummy (weird, I know) then she said "thank you" the boy then asked "would you like to go on a date?" The girl was so happy and she immediately said " YES!" Then they went on a date.

When the little girl went home she was smiling so happily. Her grandma looked at her and asked " why are you so happy my dear?" The little girl replied "my crush said he liked my bangs and that it's cute like me hehehehe. Then we went on a date" then the grandma said "he's lying, your bangs look disgusting"
The little girl ran to her room and cried.

The next day at school she saw her "soon-to-be-boyfriend " and waved at him and said "hai" he did the same thing and walked away. When the little girl went home she cried.

The next day she saw the boy again and he went up to her and said "hi" and she replied with a "hai" she then asked " wanna be my boyfriend?" He also asked her " do you wanna be my girlfriend?" They both said no while shaking their heads. The girl then asked " do you wanna be my husband?" And the boy asked back "do you wanna be my wife?" They both smiled and said "YES!"
The little girl said " I love you" and the boy said " I love you". The girl said " let's get married now".

When they arrived at her home her parents were in the living room when the girl said "momi, dadi, this is my husband" then her parents looked at them and said " you can't be married." the girl looked at them sadly and asked "why?" And they replied "because your still smol" then the girl cried.

The end

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