"This time is 5:59 P.M. you are now going to see Kira's video."

Just then, the TV showed the word KIRA written in a Gothic font. It then started to speak.

"I am Kira. if this video is aired at exactly 5:59 P.M. on April 18. It is now 5:59 and 38, 39, 40 seconds... please switch channels to Taiyo TV. the news anchor, Mr. Kazuhiko Himbima, will die of a heart attack at precisely six p.m"

Everyone in the room looked shocked and L called out, "Change the channel!" Watari did and they all saw the man Kira was talking about, dead. Y/n giggled a little, she knew exactly what was happening. L said "switch back to Sakura. Watari, bring another set. No another two TV sets." Watari walked away and said "done" as he got what L had asked for. Kira kept talking.

"Mt. Hibima had continuously referred to Kira as 'Evil' in his news reports. This was his punishment. But one demonstration alone does not serve as absolute proof. I will present you with another, my next target is a commentator who has also condemned me repeatedly, he is scheduled to appear live on air at this time..."

L called out again "Go to channel 24!" Once they did they saw another man, dead. L said "they said Kira would be sending a message all over the world" Y/n whispered to L, his eyes widened a little and he said "We have to make them stop this broadcast or something terrible is going to happen!" Matsuda ran over to a phone and yelled "Ill get Sakura TV's phone number!" as Kira continued.

"I trust you now believe that I really am Kira."

All the men were calling people, "It's hopeless... every single number I've tried in the entire station is busy'' Matsuda said as he put down the phone. Aizawa spoke up and said "My friend who works there has his cell phone turned off!" Ukita then huffed before he ran off yelling "Dammit! Then I'm going over there to make them stop it myself!" Matsuda called out for him but he was already gone. Y/n pushed her head closer to L's as she closed her eyes, whispering "Don't Ukita, that's a bad idea" Kira continued

"Please listen to me carefully. I do not want to kill innocent people. I hate evil and love justice. I do not consider the police my enemies, but my allies in my fight against evil"

L raised his hand up to his mouth and bit on his thumb a little, "damn you Kira..." he thought and Y/n's arms on him  went down a little, to his collarbone and her grip tightened. Kind of like a hug from the back. L calmed down a little at this as he heard Y/n's soft breathing.

"My aim is to rid the world of Evil, and create a just society. If all of you will join me in this mission, it can be easily accomplished. If you do not try to capture me. no innocent people will die. And if you do not agree with me, if you refrain from publicizing your views in the media or in public, you will be spared. And then, simply wait, I'm a short time, the world will be changed for the better. I'm sure you will agree. I can do it, i can change the world and make it a place inhabited only by good, kind hearted people. Just imagine it- a world protected by the police and myself... a world with no place for evil-"

Just then, Kira was cut off. L and Y/n both looked a little confused as a reporter started talking.

"We are cancelling our scheduled program to broadcast live from in front of Sakura TV. we urge all out viewers to please stay calm. Regarding the broadcast currently on Sakura TV, details will be reported as soon as they are available. This just in! Someone is reported to have collapsed in front of Sakura TV! We are reporting life from in front of Sakura TV, for safety reasons I cannot stand in front of the camera, but what you are seeing here is live coverage!"

Just then they all saw the man laying in front of the news station. They all recognized him, Aizawa yelled at the screen "Ukita!! Oh my... God Kira got him...?!" he yelled as he started to run off. L then spoke up. "Forget it, Aizawa. Where do you think you're going?" he asked Aizawa then stopped and said "to Ukita, where else? And i'm going to get those damn videos and bring them back here" he said through gritted teeth. Y/n laughed a little and then said "If you go over there now, you'll only get killed"

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