recovery part 2

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Lilly pov)

Everything i mean everything hurt. This its my 5th day in the hospital and i just felt like dying. Starscream tortured me and used me. Told me megatron doesn't love me.

"Ugh my head, nurse can i get some water please?" I moved my head into the direction of footsteps.

"Of course dear, we're also gonna try and get you moving around again today too. Just let me know if you get tired or start feeling dizzy even if you stand and feel dizzy"

"O-ok miss have you heard from jacob? I wished he was here too"
Lilly asked feeling around for the nurse wondering if jacob was sick or something.
"i am unsure; i am told to care for you today, so come on we can do this"

her voice sounded sincere and sweet like moms voice. I so badly wished it was her but it wasn't. The nurse gave me some water and aspirin i felt like i was going to puke. "Ugh my head hurts i feel like puking"

"Its normal hun you'll feel better" i nodded as the nusea slowly subsided and my headache did too. I attempted to push myself up. The floor was nice and cold. I relished in the cooling sensation. I reached out and felt a smooth warm hand holding mine the other gripped my free arm with gentle yet steady grip. Taking a few small steps foward i gave a light smile. "You're doing good, sweetie" should we attempt to walk to the kitchen theres two people waiting for you"

"Ok" with her help we slowly left the room i felt dizzy walking down the long hallway. "Ok stop sweetie were gonna rest for a few you've done enough" I moved against the wall sitting down and feeling the nice cool floor; I could hear papa and Megatron but I felt like maybe Megatron won't love me due to my scars and how I look my hair is cut short due to the surgeries I had; I have more scars now than most people do; I felt horrible tears streaming down. the nurse rushed to me "hey sweetie what's wrong is everything ok? what's wrong?" I looked towards the voice and frowned looking down once more. tracing my scars that I felt on my legs my words sounding in a whisper "he won't love me.

Kyle and Matt waited in the lobby area for lilly but a nurse came out to the lobby. "Hello? You are matt smith and Kyle Leonard? Right? Boyfriend to lilly Leonard and father?" The nurse asked with utmost hesitation. They both nodded and quickly stood up looking around for lilly "where is she? Where's my lillypad!" Kyle spoke out fear in voice for the worst of his daughter. Matt didn't say a word he had to find out who else did this starscream wasn't working alone. He's too stupid it had to be someone cunning. Someone who knew how to get rid of their tracks and be untraceable. Oh shit! It was blueshard! That bitch!

"So you see; lilly is ok she's still recovering and it'll take a while but her being here is draining her. She needs to be with someone that can lift her spirits and all she talks about here is Matt and you. Please as lillie's nurse take her home help her? Ok?"

"Wait?! Lillie's alive! Can I go see her! Please!" Megatron yelled almost excitedly his eyes lighting up. Kyle nodded for Megatron to go ahead before him. Megatron ran down the hall until he found lilly back in her room tears flowing down her cheeks the words she spoke hurt him "I'm blind I'm ugly these scars on my skin won't go away Megatron deserves better than my pathetic ass!" She sobbed Megatron walked in and spoke a few words before holding her in his arms tightly. "I love you my lilly pad you are beautiful even with your survival scars"

M-megatron?!" Lilly gasped before holding onto him tightly and not letting go "Megatron will you make love to me?"

"What?! Lilly no! Wait until your better then I will. Oh goodness woman! Now you got me all wired up! Women!" Megatron stated with a deep blush on his face.

"Lilly I love you but you really want this now?! I mean now?"

"Yes!" Lilly spoke with a poker face easily.

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