Chapter 1

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Amity's POV:

   "Come back!!, please!! I'm sorry, stop running from me!" I Yell running down the long dark road, this has happened to much times I have to stop her. I can feel my lungs burning and my legs grow heavier as I run, tears running down my face.

I was on a bridge and she was standing on the other side of the railing, ready to jump at any point in time. I can't lose her again "Don't do this!!, please..Luz I'm begging you" the brunette looks at me, eyes full of nothing but emptiness. "It's to late, I'm far cant save me" she looks away from me, her eyes looking down at the rocky river hundreds of feet under the bridge.

"Goodbye Amity" my heart shattered as I heard her say her goodbyes, I wanted to run and grab her but my body was frozen in place. She looks at me one more time before stepping off the edge, a singular tear falling from her eye. My body went crashing to the ground and I was engulfed in nothing but darkness.

I woke up to someone knocking on my bedroom door, I got up slowly trying to gain my strength back. I've had that nightmare more times than I can count, yet each time it hurts just as much.

I walk over to my door and open it, I rolled my eyes in annoyance when I saw my brother and sister, "Heya mittens, how'd you sleep?" Edric asks as he ruffles my hair, I slap his hand away and glare at him. "Terrible, like every other day you ask." I try to push through them but Edric pushes me backwards, I stumble and look at Emira, "He pushed you because you're still in your jam jams mittens." She had a point I haven't changed yet. I push them out of my room and walk into my closet, I grabbed a pair of white and black basket ball shorts and a black tank top, I grabbed my hoodie and tied it around my waist just in case it gets cold.

I open my door and walk down stairs, I was about to walk out when my siblings threw my backpack next to my feet. If I'm being honest I haven't been taking care of myself that well and as annoying as they are they really help me. I thanked them with a small smile and made my way out the door and started walking to the bus stop.

I reached into my bag and grabbed my headphones, I plugged them into my phone and played some music, humming the words. I finally reached the bus stop and stood there, distancing myself from the people there.

The bus showed up and I got on, I sat in the front like I normally do. Looking out the window, my eyes landed on a girl, my heart started beating and a felt a blush come up to my cheeks but I hid it instantly. Luz oh how much I wish I could just talk to you.

I continued listening to music just zoning out from the world, I felt some one sitting down next to me as I just looked out the window, I didn't really care who was next to me right now I just wanted to get today over with. "Hey Amity, whatcha listening to?" I rolled my eyes and turned my head to see  magenta hair and blue almost gray eyes, "what do you want Boscha" I didn't have the patients for her today, why can't she just leave me alone.

Out of the corner of my eye I see Luz walk by us, I turn to Boscha knowing she's about to do something stupid, I was right she stuck her leg out and tripped Luz. "Oh if it isn't the human, sorry didn't see you there" Boscha winked at Luz and I was filled with rage, I heard Boscha mumble under her breath "worthless human" I lost it, before my brain caught up with my actions I have already pushed Boscha off the bus seat. "Leave Luz alone Boscha, she hasn't done anything to you" I growl, stabbing my finger into her chest. "I'm sorry Amity, I won't do it again" I glared at her and then directed my gaze towards Luz, instantly softening my look. I reach my arm out and offer Luz to take my hand, Luz hesitantly took my hand and stood up.

"Thanks Amity.." Luz gave me a small smile and then turned around heading towards the back where willow and Gus normally sat. I turned my head and looked out the window again, I couldn't wait to get to school, and get today over with. I was supposed to read to kids at the library for extra credit but I ended up loving these kids. I felt someone's eyes on me, I decided to ignore it and continue listening to my music. The bus came to a stop and I quickly made my way out of the bus, taking my head phones off and stuffing them in my bag, walking the rest of the way to school.

I walked into the school and headed towards my locker, opening my backpack and searching for the things I need, finding them I shoved my back pack in my locker and closed it. I walked into my first class and sat done at my normal seat, pulling out my notebook that laid underneath my other books and started to just doodle while the class started filling up. The teacher walked in and started setting up for class, I felt someone lean over my shoulder and I quickly shut my notebook, I turned to see Boscha, I sighed in annoyance.

Why can't she just leave me alone. "What Boscha" she came in front of me and before I realized she snatched my notebook, I tried to grab it but her friends grabbed my arms and held me back. She placed the open notebook in front of me. "A+L, could that possibly mean Amity+Luz" she smirked and my face went red, the bell rang and she waved her friends off of me, she walked over to her seat and sat down, I quickly grabbed my notebook and put it back with my books.

I was paying attention to the teacher while taking notes once in awhile, I was feeling someone's eyes on me again and it started to freak me out. I looked around the room to see everyone's attention directed towards anything but me, then my eyes landed on Luz, our eyes meeting each other's. As soon as our eyes meet her eyes widened and she quickly turned her head, although I kept staring. Eventually my attention was directed back at the teacher, once in awhile I'd look over where Luz was and our eyes would meet, quickly turning our heads away to pretend it never happen. Why does she keep looking at me? A million thoughts kept going through my head. Eventually class ended and I grabbed my stuff and rushed out of the class.

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