Chapter 8: Getting Ready

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Not much chapters left.

Mina spent all night thinking of the perfect idea of how to get Izuocha to set sail! She studied lots of fanfiction, romance mangas, and lots of fanart.

She had nothing.

That was until their Sensei had an announcement.

"Alright listen up. The school thinks that students need a break from all this hero learning and whatnot. So there's going to be a dance next Friday,no classes that day. Any questions or can we move on?" Asked Aizawa.

lida raised his hand but Aizawa just ignored him and began to teach class.

After the class was over any students that were interested grabbed a flyer,which Mina Glady took one.

'King and queen will be a thing at this dance....Hm. Maybe if Mirdori and Ochako can become the king and queen then that would be the perfect chance since they usually have a dance together! Genius!' Thought Mina running off to tell the girls the plan.


"And that the plan. Any questions?" Asked Mina.

" Yes. What happens if we can't get them as king and queen?" Asked Asui.

" We will make sure it happens. Whether we have to bribe people or force them,we must make sure that they become it! Now we only need to get Midori to agree to go with you Ochako" Said Mina.

" That shouldn't be too hard" Said Jirou.

" All you gotta do is ask him to go" Said Momo.

" What? Why do I have to ask him to go with me?!" Asked Ochako.

" Because it's a dance. You should at least enjoy yourself, and people from other classes may think you are a couple. So then they will not vote for you two to be paired up with anyone else" Said Mina.

" I guess that makes sense. I will ask him tomorrow since it's late" Said Ochako.

*The next day

The girls has been hyping her up to ask him out.

"Is this really necessary?" Asked Ochako with a balloon that said" go to the dance with me!" Asked Ochako.

"Yes. It's in case you mess up on your words or you can't say it at all" Said Mina.

"I think it's pretty cute" Said Asui.

" I-its kinda embarrassing though" Said Ochako.

" Don't worry. Right now he is alone on the classroom. We were supposed to tell him we were having a class outside so we saw this as an opportunity to get him alone for you" Said Mina.

" Thanks guys. I will go now" Said Ochako walking towards the classroom.

Unfortunately on the way the balloon suddenly popped.

" What the heck!?" Said Ochako.

"Oh well that's we get for buying it at the thrift store" Said Mina (Ochako hadn't walked far.)

"You can still just talk to him" Said Toru.

"Are y'all going to be watching?" Asked Ochako.

" Nope. We will give you privacy" Said Mina lying.

Ochako made her way to the 1-A room but didn't notice the girls were indeed watching.

However when she made it to the classroom she found a girl talking to her cursh.

She stopped at the curve to listen on their conversation.

So did the other girls but Ochako just rolled her eyes at them and continued to listen.

"So Deku... I've been keeping an eye on you since the sports festival. I have to say you were pretty amazing out there" Said the girl.

" Oh um.. t-thanks" Said Izuku embarrassed from getting praised.

"And I was wondering... If you would go to the dance with me!" Said the girl.

"" Izuku began to turn red and stutter.

Ochako's face began to get wet.

"I..I guess it wasn't meant to be" Said Ochako.

"Oh hell no! No one makes Ochako cry! Asui!" Said Mina.

"Got it" Said Asui.

She used her long tounge and grabbed ahold of the girl and threw her away from Izuku when he was to embarrassed to look at the girl.

"Ochako go now!" Said Mina.

Ochako didn't like the violence,but she wouldn't say anything about it...This time.

She immediately ran over to Izuku.

"Deku!" Said Ochako.

"Huh? Uraraka? Where did that girl g-

" Will you go to the dance with me!?" Asked Ochako.

" Yes!" Said Izuku.

" answered faster than I thought" Said Ochako now very happy.

" Well I was actually going to ask you to go" Said Izuku now blushing more.

Ochako face also began to blush.

" I'LL SEE YOU LATER THAN DEKU!" Said Ochako running off leaving Deku behind in her dust.

He could hear the other girls cheering.

*Back in the official Izuocha headquarters (the living area in the dorms)

"Alright everything is set! Now we just have to get everyone to vote for you two. Until then you two should enjoy yourselves" Said Mina.

" But don't you guys have dates as well? " Asked Ochako.

" None of us do. We wanted to make sure that things will go smoothly with you" Said Momo.

" But-

"Don't worry about it Ochako. We're here for you" Said Toru.

" No! I'll be fine. Just please have some fun as well girls. I will be fine" Said Ochako.

" Are you sure? " Asked Mina.

" Yes. You all have been working hard for me, I would feel bad for you to keep doing so" Said Ochako.

" But then... We can't rig the voting if we do that" Said Jirou.

"We are heros in training. It would be wrong to rig it anyway" Said Ochako.

" She has a point"Said Asui.

" Alright if you say so. By the way we already picked out your dress" Said Mina reaching behind the couch and pulling out a dress.

"I-its beautiful!" Said Ochako.

"Glad you like it. Momo made it herself" Said Mina.

"It was no trouble" Said Momo.

"Now let's get to sleep. We have a big day ahead" Said Mina splitting everyone up.

Ochako was truly blessed to have such great friends.

And tomorrow she would finally get the man... Boy of her dreams.

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