Chapter 1 Mutant Rampage

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Bobby Drake (a horny simp and loser)
Lance Alvers ( Can you smell what the rock is cooking)
Kitty Pyred (Nerdy Jew)
Toad the British fuck
Scott summers ( Disappointed father)
Saint John (Australian mate)
Joey (not in the story much)
Jubilee (Fierworks)
Quicksliver (the cool Jew)
Liam (Some Italian puerto Rican crack)
Izzy (Mr.Philadelphia)
Peter Parker (He's only the getaway driver)

(I don't own these characters this is me having fun Bruh)

It's night time in Bronx NYC and there's a big rock show happening but it's in a small club we're 2000 people can go and the Biracial mutants are the first ones there as it slowly got full toad quicksliver and Pyro began to sell drugs to the people coming to the concert like they always do in a rock show as Bobby lance and kitty and Scott are enjoying the show while being a bit disappointed in the other's as Scott shake's his head in dissapointment. "Man really again why not get a real job you 3" Scott said as Bobby chuckled and Kitty rolled her eyes as lance was standing there confused while seeing people jump and act crazy. "Is this how you americans act?" Lance said while looking at people stupidly as Bobby tells Kitty to jump as she does because their good friends as lance walks up to Bobby and smacks him across his face and apologizes to him after while quicksliver pulls out more drugs and yells.

"ANYONE WANT SOME CRACK COCAINE AND LSD!!!" As Pyro jumps in excitement while toad sells all of his stash as the cops busted in the show as all the fans ran away as the mutants stayed there looking at the cops confused as the police officers pull out their guns as one of them yells. "Put your hands up dropp the drugs or I'll shoot!" As everyone puts their hands up and Scott is even more dissapointed while quicksliver drops the drugs and looks at the police officers and smriks. "yo guys I'm black" The police officers startred shooting as they all ran out towards the back door of the club exiting it while running towards an alleyway that's near an outback stake house as the cops lose their trial Bobby is taking deep breaths as he holds onto the dumpster.

"What the fuck quick what's wrong with you I'm black jesus christ" Quicksliver and Pyro and toad laugh while they realx as Quicksliver makes sure they ain't being chased by the police as Izzy and Liam jump out of nowhere as they see the others as Liam looks at Bobby. "Wassup Bobby" Said Liam as Bobby and Lima high fived each other while Izzy was walking up to Lance while lance made the peace sign at Liam as Quicksliver comes back and looks around a bit more. "Okay guys we are clear" He said while Kitty scoffs and rolls her eyes and looks up at the sky and at the rooftop.

"Yeah right you always get us into deep shit" She said while a beam of light points at everyone as they all look up and see that it's a police chopper as they later them to stay put or they will use force as Quicksliver puts his hand up like a school boy. "Your gonna use the force I love star-wars!" Cops cars block all the exits as they all climb towards the roof of the building as they ran across a couple of buildings to get to another safe lower ground as they do but Lima and Izzy hide in a garage while the others kept running as Bobby made an ice trail making him run faster. "Fuck this shit I'm out!" Bobby said as lance makes waves out of the concrete surf's next to Bobby as kitty was holding onto Lance's back now back in the garage Izzy gets In his mustang with Laim as they get ready to help the others out as Izzy pressed the button to open the garage door cops were already there pointing guns at them as Liam pulled out 2 twin glocks and began to shoot the cops as Izzy drives passes them as he drifts to the living exit and shoots back at them with a machine gun.

"I'm not going out like Clyde!!" Izzy yells as he drove towards the other's while Bobby was still surfing with his ice trail he calls Peter Parker as Peter randomly appears in his Spideymobile as Bobby hops on the car as more cop cars and helicopters chased them as Pyro steals a bike with toad as they followed lance and bobby while quicksliver was running on foot and ditches everybody as he sees spyke skateboarding he quickly steals his skateboard. "Watch were your going daniles!" As everyone else is still out running the cops as the cops shoot at them while Izzy and Liam put the mustangs on auto drive as they both pull out rocket launchers and blow up the helicopters as pyro makes a ring of fire and makes half of the city block a burning inferno as it gave them time to runaway 30 minutes later they all arrive at the brotherhood as Quicksliver was waiting in the entrance outside while drinking Lance's wine.

"What took you guys so long?" He said while everyone else gave him the finger as Izzy and Liam drove away as Bobby hopped out of the Spideymobile as Peter drove away while Bobby streeches and yawns. "Man I thought we were going to die but thank god we didn't right... guys?" Lance chuckles as he would smirk abit wanting to piss off Bobby. "Bobby if you ever die I'm the one that killed you" Bobby gets a bit pissed as he opens the door and enters the house as everyone enters as they go to the dinner table as they all sit down while lance goes to the kitchen and makes them dinner as Bobby stood up and went to help lance while they make their chicken dinner they talk about fun things and their friendship slowly gets stronger as an hour passes the plates are already in the table as everyone eats and puts away their plates as Bobby and Lance and kitty head to the living room to play some wii sports kityy is sitting on the couch while Bobby and Lance are boxing as Bobby wins the third round.

"Haha yes!! i beat you man round 2 tomorrow alright kityy common we finna play just dance now" The hours go by as Bobby kitty and Lance we're playing just dance and they were dancing like pro's the time flew very quickly as lance turns off the Wii. "Alright dude we gotta go to bed because tomorrow we gotta go to the sinegog at 9 am it's already 10:30 pm I'm gonna get some rest with kityy" He said while Kityy hugs lance as Bobby Pat's Lance's back and heads to his room and goes to sleep while lance looks around a bit and looks back at kityy. "Aye yo you ready to fuck?" Kityy nods as she heads to Lance's room while lance grabs some chloroform and heads to Bobby's room and knocks him out cold as he runs to his room and fucks kityy.

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