Chapter 27: Partyyyyy

Depuis le début

"Yo Sommer!" I heard somebody yell, it was Alex. "What the fuck is your problem?" I kinda smiled on the inside. "Why did you tell Charisma I was smoking?" He said getting mad. I hugged his tall ass to make him feel better.

"I'm sorry Alex. I had to get her and Rayne to stop arguing somehow."

"..Go play with your boy before I hurt you." He told me. I walked over to Ques.

Charisma POV

Where the fuck is he?

"Alex!" He turned around and walked over to me, trying to wrap his big strong arms around me. "Stop."

"Come on baby, she was kidding." He said, pecking my lips. "I swear to you, I haven't been smoking or plan on it for a very long time. Even though that is gonna be very hard."

I just stared at him and shook my head. He smiled and grabbed me and kissed me, tongue and all. But then he stopped and looked towards the door. I looked too...


Sommer POV

I saw Simone come into the door and go upstairs for some reason. So I told Ques I had to pee, and I followed her upstairs. When I got up there she turned around and looked at me, I noticed she had sunglasses on, but there's not one speck of sunlight in here.


I saw her dress was long sleeved and came to her elbows. She looked at me and took her sunglasses off. She had a bruise right next to her eye.

Suddenly, there was no more hatred towards her, just pure empathy.

"What happened?" I asked, even though I already knew the answer.

"Don't act like you don't know." She said, I looked down. "Sommer. I am so sorry." She told me and just burst into tears and slid down the wall onto the floor. I grabbed her and pulled her into Nique's room and locked the door.

"Simone, stop crying." I told her.

"I didn't mean to do all that to you. I'm just hurt and I took it out on you and Rayne for no reason, and I'm sorry."

"I forgive you Simone, just-"

"Did Immanuel tell you the reason why I made him stop talking to Dani?" She said.


"He lied. Well he didn't lie, I did. The real reason was because my mom started dating this guy a-"

"What does this have to do with anything?"

"He's from Atlanta, his name is Mike." When she said that, my eyes got wide as hell. "We were at lunch one day and we got on the subject of Immanuel's little sister that he lost. And he told us the reason why, what Mike did to you. Why he left and all of that. That was about 2 months after he moved into my house. I thought that I could get Immanuel to think I didn't know, but Mike raped me, he's been raping me for a long time now." She started crying again.

" MIKE got you pregnant?!" I asked her. She nodded. I went and sat next to her on the bed and hugged her.

"I let you beat the shit outta me for stupid and selfish reasons. I have no fucking idea why I said what I said to you in the mall last week, boy was I being a hypocrite. I guess in reality when I said that, I was thinking about me not you. I don't like Marques, all of us used to be so close, but I fucked up when Mike came along."

"No you didn't, he fucked you up. He messed both of us up. Does your mom know about all this?"

"Hell no! This is the first time she's been happy in a long time, I don't want to ruin this for her. You see my fresh bruise though?" She said showing me her eye.

"He just did that to you?" I asked her, she nodded. "Well you can't go back." I told her.

She looked at me like I was crazy. "All my shit is there Sommer. I can handle myself , I'm a big girl."

"Well duh! That's why he's raping you! That's what he used to tell me.."

"You ok?"

I nodded. "You can stay over my house for now, I can't let you go back there Simone."

"What about every other night? And I thought you hated me."

"I did, until what I realized what you were going through." I went in the bathroom and got my makeup out my makeup bag and started to cover up the bruise on her eye. "You're staying over my house tonight and that's final. Does he know that you know me? By the way, I like your dress."

"No he doesn't and thanks. Herve Leger is my favorite."

"Omg I know right!"



"Can you tell Immanuel, Dani and Ques that I'm sorry?"

"Sure. I'm done though, so let's go."

"And thanks for being Captain Save A Hoe." She told me and walked down the stairs.


hahaha ! yall thought this was gonna be a happy chapter , didn't yall ?!?!

ctfuuuu , i'm sorry . i just couldn't help myself !

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