Chapter 14: The Beginning Of Something Worse.

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"Is that drugs," Becky asked the second time with a little bit of edge to her voice.

"What? No, of course not. Why would you think like that?" Mercedes backed away from Becky, clutching whatever it is she was holding firmly behind her back. Becky realized her bag was leaning against a corner. Nothing was out of place in the bathroom except for some tissues scattered near the door. Mercedes yanked her bag up from the floor, swallowing hard as she stared at Becky's serious facade. "Whomever did you learn manners from," she scolded suddenly, "You should have knocked first. You shouldn't have barged in."

"Don't try to change the subject here. What is it you're hiding behind your back," she stepped closer to her, "I know they are drugs, so don't you dare try to say otherwise."

Mercedes glared, "Who the hell do you think you are to insinuate such a thing? You have no business meddling in my affairs." She tried to leave but Becky stepped in her way, blocking her path. Mercedes growled, "Get out of my way Rebecca."

Becky slammed the door close behind her, turning the lock to seal them in. "You're not going anywhere," she declared, "until you and I have a serious talk. This can't continue any longer."

"What are you talking about?"

Becky gestured to her disheveled hair, her pale face and her unfocused gaze. "Everything. You need to stop your fits of jealousy and how you seem oblivious to everything around you. Most importantly, you need to stop taking drugs. Trust me it won't help you Mercedes."

"First of all, you have no right to tell me what I should do with my life. Secondly I'm not taking drugs. You have no proof to back up what you're saying."

"Then show me what it is you're hiding behind your back," Becky challenged, "If you have nothing to hide, then show me. Come on, what are you waiting for?"

Mercedes swore under her breath, "I don't own you anything, much less explain to you what I do with my life. If I'm involve in drugs, then that is my problem."

"So you are admitting you're indeed taking drugs? You've just confessed it yourself."

"Just stop it. Enough!!" She screamed, holding her hands up and shaking vigorously. She threw her bag away along with what she had been hiding. Becky didn't have time to inspect for Mercedes suddenly closed the distance between them, her eyes wild and angry. It suddenly struck Becky how much Mercedes hated her and she wondered if her acts of affection all these time had been a lie. "You know nothing about me. You don't know what I'm going through and you can't seriously comprehend what makes me do the things that I do. You call my behaviour a fit of jealousy? So what if it is jealousy? There's nothing you nor anyone can do about it."

"Is it Seth," Becky asked, suddenly afraid of her behaviour. Her gaze continued to drop to the floor where she caught sight of the white plastic peeking under the bag.

Mercedes's voice broke her out of her reverie, "Seth has nothing to do with this," her voice was surprisingly soft and hesitant.

Becky pressed, "I know you like him. Don't you try to deny it."

Mercedes looked at her for a moment, considering. She burst out laughing abruptly, making a shiver run down Becky's spine. It was sinister and cold. Becky wished Seth was with her. "So you know I like him." It wasn't a question. "Then why do you act as if I'm the villain in this? You're the villain because it is you who always try to make me jealous. It is you who is the villain."

Becky was sure Mercedes had gone completely insane. She retreated under her heated gaze, hand latched onto the door knob, trying to get it open. A sharp pain tore at her shoulder as Mercedes suddenly pushed her away with surprising strength. Becky found herself on the tile floor and Mercedes kneeling down before her, eyes searing into hers. "Mercedes, calm down. You have to relax. Let's talk this through with patience and like two grown adults."

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