Chapter 5: The Kiss.

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It might be you.

The words sparked something inside him he hadn't felt in a long time. Maybe it was just the words or perhaps it was the smile that followed afterwards—breathtaking as always—but either way, his soul was practically rejoicing at the moment, his heart thumping wildly in his chest. He wasn't sure if she was playing with him or being serious. The dimness in the room made reading her expression difficult and the eyes which always reveal so much failed to tell him anything this time. So he chose his next words carefully. "What if I say I like you too? Will that mean anything to you?"

Rebecca scooted closer, breath tickling his face. "It will. So much. More than you can ever imagine."

Seth chuckled but it was more in nervousness. Rebecca seemed serious, determined and that made matters all the more worse. He was fine with teasing, flirting games and any type of conversation that didn't scream seriousness. He wasn't sure what he should say next. One word, and everything they have; their friendship, her company and everything else will come crumbling down. He didn't want to be the one to ruin things. To look back on a failed friendship and realize it's some foolish thing he said that made things awkward between them.

So he did the only thing he could think of at the moment. The only thing he has always been wanting to do whenever he is around her. He leaned in for a kiss.

It was difficult due to lack of experience and their noses getting in the way each time he tried. But Rebecca never lost interest and the curiosity on her face never faded despite the numerous times he failed. He got the third attempt right. Their lips aligned and flesh met flesh. He cupped her face and used his hands on her to pull her even closer to him. He had never kissed anyone before but he was sure, a thousand kisses will never be the same as this. This was special, needy and full of childish curiosity to know more about each other. He kissed her until she was breathless and they had to pull away. He wanted to look into her eyes and assure himself he hadn't made a mistake but the room was too dim.

Her hands were around his neck, her forehead pressed against his and any indication he was doing something wrong quickly dissipated as she pulled him into another kiss. Sweet and long, letting his tongue delve into her mouth. He would have enjoyed it much longer if a bright light didn't flash in the room the next minute.

Holly was standing at the doorway. "Colby."

They both jerked away at the sound of the voice. Their legs were tangled up together but he managed to untangle himself and stand up. Holly had the flashlight of her phone on and pointed at them. Even without the light, Seth could just imagine the look on her face. "Um. . . . you're home. I didn't hear you coming."

"I left the car at the mechanic shop today. It had a little bit of fault so I wanted it to be properly checked. What are you two doing?"

Rebecca was scrambling up the donut leftovers and her stuffs from the floor. Seth hurried and switched on the light for her. She smiled and muttered her thanks. "Becky and I were doing our assignments together. We lost track of time talking, that's all." He ran a hand down his face. He shouldn't be embarrassed or scared of anything. He is seventeen. Surely, he is allowed to have a girlfriend.

Holly glanced past him to Rebecca. She looked at her with such disapproval that Seth was sure will make Becky uncomfortable and feel out of place. "Rebecca, why don't you head home. It's late. I don't want to keep your mother waiting for you. Hurry along."

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