Snow day (Whizzvin)

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AN: Major fluff cuz these boys deserve the world


It was an early Monday morning. Whizzer and Marvin were fast asleep in the living room of a cabin they were staying at. It was towards the end of November and both boys were able to take a break from work. They headed up to the rented cabin that they had found. It was mostly Whizzer's idea since Marvin was more stressed then he was.

Last night was the night they arrived, they both were exhausted so they fell asleep on the couch together. It was extremely cold but they had each other to keep warm. Currently, Whizzer was asleep on top of Marvin, acting as a blanket almost. Marv was peacefully asleep under Whizzer, his arms protectively wrapped around his boyfriend.  The two had a fuzzy electric blanket on them to keep from being too cold, but as mentioned before, just them alone would've been good enough.

Marvin was the first to wake up (as always), his boyfriend had never been the type to wake up as early as Marvin did. Since he was the first awake, he had to maneuver himself out from under his boyfriend. He did it with ease, gracefully, and carefully sliding out and standing up. He smiled over at his sleeping boyfriend, tucking him in and giving him a small forehead kiss. Marvin sauntered over to the kitchen, he wasn't quite awake yet anyways. He would always wake up after some coffee but today, he felt as if it wouldn't be necessary. So, he skipped his morning coffee ritual and started on breakfast. Marv wasn't the best cook but he wanted to make something special for Whizzer. After all, this was their first trip in quite some time, plus, Whizzer had planned it all. It was the least he could do.

After a full hour (including constant trials and errors) Marvin had completed his perfect breakfast for Whizzer. He cooked up french toast with eggs and fruit, one of his boyfriend's favorite meals. Of course, he had also made Whizzer his favorite tea.

Once the table had been set and the dishes had been cleaned, Marvin walked back into the living room to wake Whiz. He kneeled next to Whizzer. He chuckled softly as he whispered, "pssst Whizzz..."

Whizzer fluttered his eyes open, he was greeted by Marvin smiling, this made him smile in turn. Whizzer chuckled and rolled over to stretch and yawn before sitting up. Marvin stood and took a seat directly across from him "I made breakfast, one of your favorites."

Whizzer's heart melted. Yes, he had just woken up but it was the little things that Marv did for him that made him swoon. He fixed up his hair slightly "I'm excited to see what you made." He paused and leaned forward to give Marvin a small kiss "You rarely cook."  He rose from the couch, Marvin did the same.

Marv lead his boyfriend to the kitchen "Well, while you were sleeping so soundly, I did research." He showed him the small set up he made, this made Whizzer gasp slightly.

"Oh baby, you didn't have too!" He took a seat at what he assumed was his spot, Marvin again following his lead.

"Well of course I had too, this week is special." He replied

Whizzer rolled his eyes playfully before taking a bite. He beamed at Marvin "This is great Marv!" He chuckled.

Marvin smiled "I'm glad you think so." He stood up "It's so cold, do you think there might be snow outside?"

They weren't expecting snow, and they weren't prepared. Both of them weren't expecting the sun either. They assumed it was going to be chilly-ish fall weather, like back in the city, where they lived.

Whizzer looked up and shrugged "Take a look hun." He continued to eat as he watched Marvin head over to a window. The two of them had no time to unpack or roll up any curtains since last night, they just put away groceries and crashed.

Marv rolled up the curtain and smiled "Oh Whizzer Brown, it's your first ever snow day!" He exclaimed.

Whiz smiled "This is great darling, honestly, this day keeps getting better and better." He got up and cleaned his dishes, Marvin came up behind him and wrapped his arms around Whizzer.

"We should head over to the store in our car in order to pick up some gear." He stated, Whizzer nodding in reply.

Whiz was ecstatic, he had never been able to experience real snow, it was a dream of his. Ever since he was a kid he wanted to jump into freshly fallen snow. He wanted to feel the bliss of the experience, plus the immediate regret once he got all cold and damp.

He kissed Marvin's cheek, "How about you head over? I'll stay here and unpack." He looked at Marv "And you better get me cute snow stuff."

Marvin laughed "Yeah yeah...But for now, take one of my hoodies. You look like you would freeze to death."

Whizzer giggled, he was in fact freezing. He was only wearing a large t-shirt and boxers. Last night he felt exceptionally warm with all the heat on him. "Fine." He responded, "I'd never thought I'd agree to wear one of your vile pieces of clothing."

Marvin snickered "I'll be back in a few." He pressed a kiss to Whizzer's forehead and headed off. Once Whizzer heard the door click shut, he ran to get one of Marvin's hoodies. It was a small secret he had, a guilty pleasure almost. He hated the way Marvin dressed but he loved the comfort that his hoodies gave him.

As promised Marvin returned a few minutes with bags of snow things. Was it excessive? Yes, but Marvin wanted to give Whizzer everything and anything. The couple discussed everything Marvin brought home, and for once, he chose something cute for Whizzer.  Whizzer wanted to go outside as soon as possible so they both changed and got ready to go outside. Marvin sported a red puffy jacket with some matching snow pants with black boots and gloves to tie the look together. Whizzer wore a whole black outfit, with accents of his signature blue.

Finally, the time had come to step outside. Marvin went out first, to maybe help his boyfriend if he needed it. Whizzer took Marvin's hands and stepped out, the snow crunching under his boots. He looked down at the ground "Woah, Marvin, this is cool."

He acknowledged the comment with a kiss to Whizzer's gloved hand. Whiz smirked and let go of Marvin to throw a snowball at him. Marv laughed and took a step back "Hey! I wasn't ready for that.."

Whizzer shrugged "Isn't that the point?"

Marv laughed a bit before throwing snow at Whizzer in return, he made sure to aim for his hair to piss him off. It had successfully worked but instead of yelling Whizzer tackled Marvin into the snow.

They both were now giggling and cold, holding each other close. It started to snow again, so they were watching that. Marvin started to take notice of the snowflakes resting on his boyfriend's nose, he thought it was adorable so he turned Whizzer to study this more. Whiz pushed him away in protest, he was more focused on the snow. That was until he caught a glimpse of his lover's passionate stare. He looked at him, smiling widely "What's this stare?"

Marvin took off a glove in order to brush some of Whizzer's hair back "Just admiring your beauty...again."

Whizzer scoffed "I'm trying to watch the snowww. No need to flirt." He smiled a bit after replaying the compliment again in his head. Whizzer stood and held out a hand for Marvin, which he took. He pulled him into a gentle kiss. This was everything he had wanted. This day was perfect.

They had taken a walk in the snow, talking and throwing more snow at each other. After a bit of this they decided to rest in the cabin. They enjoyed the rest of their lovely evening with hot coca, movies, a warm fire, and cuddles. This was a perfect start to their splendid vacation week.


AN: woah look, its the end of the one shot :0. Thank you for reading! This was probably one of the longest chapters of a book I've written (1,348 words.) I hope you enjoyed! Please share this around with any of your friends. Also, please give me requests! You can request here (Cuz ik, laziness) Or you can head over to the previous chapter to see more specific things for requesting.

Adios mi amigos! I'll see you in the next chapter~

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⏰ Last updated: Sep 05, 2020 ⏰

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