Oh wow, oh wow 👁👄👁

Começar do início

Kairi's pov: fucking asshole

Mattia's pov: I smacked his head immediately strike number one

Kairi's pov: oww I rubbed my head, I got up from my seat and started walking away

Mattia's pov: I grabbed his wrist where you going

Kairi's pov: I'm sitting next to josh

Mattia's pov: no you're not

Kairi's pov: oh yes I am I don't want to sit next to you anymore if all you're going to do is abuse me, josh is nice to me and he doesn't abuse me if I talk or hug other boys

Mattia's pov: you're mine not his

Kairi's pov: I yanked my arm away and walked towards josh, hi can I sit next to you

Josh's pov: I smiled widely, of course, you can

Kairi's pov: thank you I then sat down

Josh's pov: you're welcome so how's you're day going

Kairi's pov: it's going kinda badly

Josh's pov: why

Kairi's pov: because me and Mattia keep fighting

Josh's pov: I'm sorry

Kairi's pov: it's not you're fault

Josh's pov: I know

Mattia's pov: I was pissed off Kairi never talked to me like that wtf

Kairi's pov: I saw Mattia staring so I hugged josh on purpose to piss him way off than he already was

Josh's pov: I hugged him back immediately

Mattia's pov: that's it I got up from my seat and walked over to Kairi, I pulled him out of the seat and dragged him back to his regular seat

Kairi's pov: I putted and crossed my arms

Mattia's pov: you're so lucky were in class right  now if we weren't I would have slapped the shit out of you already for doing that, I said in a low whisper for him to just hear

Kairi's pov: I just rolled my eyes

Josh's pov: Mattia is going to pay for doing that and I had an idea to get him back

Kairi's pov: I did my work that our teacher assigned, she wasn't here sadly so Mattia got away with hitting me and stuff

(Time skip to lunch)

Mattia's pov: I left the classroom and headed to the cafeteria, I sat down at my group's table

Alvaro's pov: yo

Mattia's pov: hi

Alejandro's pov: hi guys

Roshan's pov: yo

Kairi's pov: I sat down next to Robert, shortly after Kio and key sat down

Narrators pov: all boys talked about random things until it was time to go get lunch

Mattia's pov: alright let's go get food

Kairi's pov: guys wanna go get food now

Roberts pov: yea let's go

Kairi's pov: we all got in line, we were in front of mattia's group

Josh's pov: it was now the right time, hey guys I'm gonna go do it now

Payton's pov: alright

Jaden's pov: good luck

Josh's pov: I walked away and went up to Kairi I grabbed his arm and pulled him out of line

Kairi's pov: I was waiting in line when all of a sudden I was pulled by my arm, I then saw it was josh, what before I could say anything else

Josh's pov: I locked our lips after about 10 seconds I pulled away

Kairi's pov: why did you do that for

Josh's pov: because I like you

Key's pov: I told you josh liked you I shouted for the whole cafeteria could here

Narrator's pov: everybody went crazy some people we're recording and showing videos and pictures of Kairi and josh kissing, everybody started chanting josh likes Kairi

Mattia's pov: I was pissed the fuck off, he's fucking dead this time........................................

Hiiiiiii bitch's I hope you guys liked this very abusive chapter, make sure to comment what you thought about this chapter and vote, next update will probably be tomorrow, we'll byeeeeeee love y'all 😘💕
Word Count: 1191

Mairi || my bully is a demonOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora