Enemies 👹👺👹

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Listen to the song above

(author's note: I suggest you put this story in dark mood to get the vibe)

Narrators pov: it was a cold stormy night, for a cold-hearted demon tonight was a very special night for him, it's his birthday tonight he'll be receiving his full powers as a demon, he wishes to have the power to breathe out fire from his mouth, he doesn't know what's he's about to receive is far way powerful than he expects

Mattia's pov: tonight is the night I unleash my full demon, I really don't care tho I actually never did but I do now josh would always brag on how his inner demon is "so powerful" gosh I hate his guts, so I kind of care a little bit this year for my birthday but just for my inner demon to be unleashed so I could show josh and his little friends I'm the best demon

Narrator's pov: the clock has now hit 3 Am it's stage one time for Mattia to receive his first inner demon power

Mattia's pov: the clock hit 3 am signaling withdrawals stage one begins now, I felt extremely hot and began having cold sweats, I started trembling I tried walking to my bed but immediately failed as I fell, my heart then started beating rapidly non stop I couldn't take it any longer it hurts so bad this lasted for about two minutes until I started coughing, I was so happy and amazed my first power is fire breath just as I wanted

Narrator's pov: stage one was now complete

(5 minutes later)

Mattia's pov: the clock had hit 3:05 am now it's stage two paralyzed, my head immediately stiffened, within the matter of 1 minute my whole body was paralyzed it was torchieres not to be able to move, I was thinking about my bed when all of a sudden, I was then sitting on my bed, yes teleportation I always wanted this one as a kid

(5 minutes later)

Narrator's pov: stage two was now complete

Mattia's pov: the clock had now hit 3:10 am now it's stage three physical change, I immediately felt something growing on my head I looked in the mirror and saw black horns, my eyes felt weird I looked at my eyes and they were bright green, my fingernails then stared throbbing I looked down at them and they were growing rapidly fast and long they were black, I then roared like an animal I looked in the mirror once again and saw I had fangs, I wonder what's my other power

Narrator's pov: oh it's something everybody would love to have Mattia

Mattia's pov: I couldn't sleep after my physical change so I took an hour shower and stayed up on my phone until I had to get ready for school

Narrator's pov: 4 hours had passed Mattia finally got off his phone and got dressed for school, after getting dressed he went downstairs to eat

Mattia's mom pov: Feliz cumpleaños a ti, Feliz cumpleaños a ti, Feliz cumpleaños a ti, Feliz cumpleaños querido Mattia, Feliz cumpleaños a ti

Mattia's pov: thank you mamá

Mattia's mom pov: de nada Hijo, I made you're favorite Huevos Rancheros 

Mattia's pov: I gasped thank you mamá

Mattia's mom pov: you're welcome so how did you're change go

Mattia's pov: it was hard but the end results were good

Mattia's mom pov: what are you're powers

Mattia's pov: I can breathe out fire and I can teleport but I don't know what my third power is yet

Mattia's mom pov: you'll find out in a little bit Hijo

Mattia's pov: I know I smiled at her

Narrator's pov: Mattia always and only has a soft spot for his mom he loves her dearly, but that doesn't go for his dad, he dislikes his dad because he's too controlling and hard on Mattia and besides he's barely around he's always on some type of business trip of some sort so Mattia throughout the years just drifted apart from his dad and Mattia honestly didn't care because he had his mom

Mattia's pov: thank you so much mom for the breakfast it was well fucked up I said as I gave her a hug

Mattia's mom pov: I laughed hurry up and go brush you're teeth

Mattia's pov: I made my way back upstairs to my room and went into my bathroom and brushed my teeth

Narrator's pov: after Mattia was done brushing his teeth he grabbed his backpack off his bed and headed back downstairs and gave his mom a hug and kiss goodbye, he then got in his and drove to school

(time skip to when Mattia got to school)

Alejandro's pov: yo Mattia so how did last night go

Mattia's pov: good we're the boys at

Alejandro's pov: fighting

Mattia's pov: who

Alejandro's pov: Payton, Jaden, and josh

Mattia's pov: without me let's go

Roshan's pov: fuck off already josh nobody bumped you on purpose

Josh's pov: yes one of you little fuckers did it on purpose

Alvaro's pov: trust me nobody wants to bump you on purpose with your musty ass self

Josh's pov: I was about to punch him when Mattia out of nowhere yelled


Josh's pov: and what are you going to do about it if I punched his precious little face I said as I got into Mattia's face

Mattia's pov: BACK THE FUCK UP

Josh's pov: NAH

Mattia's pov: I pushed him

Josh's pov: I threw a fireball at him

Mattia's pov: a fireball was coming towards me I stopped it with my mind and threw it back at josh it hit his arm,

Josh's pov: FUCK HElP IT BURNS

Payton's pov: I took off my jacket and started hitting his arm with it, the fire then went out

Josh's pov: YOU FUCKING LITTLE SHIT, I charged at him

Mattia's pov: as u saw him walking up to me I choked him using my mind

Josh's pov; I can't breathe 


Mattia's pov: I didn't listen I kept choking him until Alejandro told me to stop

Alejandro's pov: STOP IT MATTIA

Mattia's pov: after I stopped they all ran away, pussy's I yelled out

Roshan's pov: that was fucking awesome

Alvaro's pov: I know

Alejandro's pov: it was

Mattia's pov: I just smiled I have mind control

Narrator's pov: the bell shortly rang signaling for the first period

Mattia's pov: me and the boys got too history class, it was pretty silent until the principal and some kid walked in I guess he's new he seemed really nervous and shy he had he's head down, I smirked he's gonna be so much fun too bully...................................

Hiiiiii bitch's I hope you guys liked the first chapter:) make sure to vote and comment, next update will be in a couple of hours, well byeeeeeeeeee bitch's 🥰💕
Word Count: 1175

Mairi || my bully is a demonOpowieści tętniące życiem. Odkryj je teraz