Now being even more sceptical of James' idea than before, he squeezes through the tiny crowd that has formed since the party took off to get to Richelle and Michelle, who stand by the window talking boisterously about something.

"Mich won't tell me who her mysterious girl is." Richelle pouts and crosses her arms over her chest, as she gives Noah her complaint about her sister, the moment he joins them.

"I've told you Richie, this is the real surprise at this party. It's gonna be the cherry on top, you'll see."

Michelle's eyes are sparkling with mirth and her cheeks are red from the excitement but Richelle definitely doesn't appreciate the mischievous glint in her eye.

"Truth be told I'm more afraid about what Eldon and James have prepared for me."

At the beginning of his birthday party Richelle has spilled to him about the preparations for this event. Apparently, out of nowhere Eldon and James got into an argument as to who is a better matchmaker, James claiming he has the best track record and understands the secret of love when Eldon was declaring over and over again that "I've had the most girlfriends!", which was supposed to convince everybody of his skills in this field.

To top it off, neither of them had arrived at the party yet. And it's held at James' apartment for God's sake! It's only natural for Noah to be worried of what's to come.

"Blinded by their own rivalry, they won't even expect it when it hits them who the real Queen of matchmaking is!" Michelle's scheming voice brings Noah out of his reverie.

"Steady on. It's not guaranteed that I'm gonna leave this party with a girl. Maybe I'm just not interested."

"Oh, but you will. And with the girl I have for you!"

"Has she even arrived yet, Mich?" Richelle's squinting her eyes at her sister and Noah notices she's wearing some make up. She looks beautiful tonight with her black dress and curled hair, he can't help but wonder if he'd cross some boundaries telling her so.

Michelle doesn't get to answer Richelle's question because suddenly a big noise at the door catches everyone's attention. A large group of people barge in through the door followed by Eldon and James shouting insults at each other.

"Wow" is all Richelle is able to choke out seeing the scene.

"Yeah wow." Michelle follows wearing a shocked look on her face.

"Do I need to do this? I really don't want to." Noah runs his hand down his face in an exasperated manner but then James gets to them, grabs him by his collar and pulls him harshly towards the group yelling something about them being flexible foxes and Noah being the one who'll put an end to "Eldon's nonsense".


Richelle never gets her answer as her sister follows Noah and James in long strides trying to keep up. A heavy sigh leaves Her mouth, watching her friends leaving. She needs a drink.

So she goes over to the table full of different alcohols and pours herself a solid portion of the nearest liquid to a plastic cup, not really caring who brought the bottle, proceeding to collapse onto the nearest barstool.

(There is a simple reason for Richelle's indignation. Richelle Nolet likes rivalry, yes. Everybody knows that. But it doesn't mean she likes competition. And the most frustrating thing was that it's a competition that nobody knows she's considering participating in. But she doesn't like the competition anyway.)

Deep in her thoughts, Richelle doesn't notice Piper, who comes up to her from behind, startling her.

"Why so blue?"

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