Moments To Remember

Start from the beginning

He was worried for nothing.

"I though I was the only one who had them but it turns out that I wasn't. " Denmark said laughing, the freckles on his face making him look more adorable than a ex-viking.

Iceland wiped off the makeup on his face, showing his freckles and smiled.

As Romano picked up the book to read.

"It's about the FACE family. "

"That's us." Canada answered pointing to America ,France and England.

"Okay. So, Arthur wouldn't admit it because this is unfair to his children but Matthew is his favourite. Also Sealand is close second."

Canada beamed in pride as America turned his head and ignored England when he tried to say it was not true. Sealand smiled, knowing that England liked him more than the rest.

"When France is too tired to do anything. He normally tells the twins and other siblings that England does it better even if it's to cook. "

The screen turned on as a memory started to play.

It showed America and Canada as kids as they ran to a room.

"Papa, wake up! You told me you were going to teach me and Ally how to cook!" Canada yelled jumping on the bed that France was sleeping in

France, wrapped up in a blanket in bed. He looked at him before turning around and stated .

"Ask your brother, he's the better cook."

England, sits up on the other bed and rips off his sleeping mask. Alfred was now the bed, laughing at the scene.

"OH, SO NOW I'M THE BETTER COOK?! " He yelled.

"You are only the better cook when it's earlier than 3 am in the morning. " France said going back to sleep as the twins ran to England to brother him.

The memory ended.

The countries began to laugh at England's misfortune.

"Well that's all in the statements. But it has a note stating that we'll be seeing some moments of the different families." Romano said.

With that the screen again turned on.

Then another note appeared.

By the way,

This is when Mathias, Alfred and Ivan started to date.

Then the memory started to play.

Antarctica, a very tall and white haired man, took a seat near America at the bar and ordered a drink. Minutes passed with no words spoken. Observers could have sworn they saw cartoony lightning bolts pass between them whenever they exchanged a glance.

"Not drinking?" The colder country asked as he took a sip of his own beverage, and set the mug down a little harder than necessary.

"Nope. Just meeting someone."

More tense moments. The closest patrons scooted away.

"For a date?" Antarctica asked.


"I see. Is it serious?"



Antarctica took another swig, then wiped foam from his mouth.

"I thought we were going drinking with Mathias, Russia and Mathilda."

"We were. But I really want to take Mathias and Russia out today. It has a new horror movie out. "

"I get it but what about Mathilda? "

"She's still going drinking with you. Can you please watch over her for us, Emilio. "

"Will do, Alfred F. Jones. "

"Hey, there you are! My beautiful sunflower. "

A tall figure posed in the doorway, then came striding in and swept America into a hug before kissing him soundly.

"We've got a date to go on! Just have to wait on Mathias and Mathilda." Russia said.

"That's right." America leaned his head on the other nation's shoulder.

Antarctica laughed the trio were so cute together.

"Sorry, we're late. But Mathias refused to leave, showing his freckles. " A girl said, she looked like a female version of Mathias.

"It's alright, Mathilda. " Russia asked before hugging Mathias.

"Okay. See you around!"  America yelled grabbing the other two countries.

The couple swept out into the chilly night. It was a lovely, clear night, and would have had plenty of romantic twinkling stars if not for the city lights, but they could do that some other time.  America clung to their arms as they walked, down the middle of the sidewalk. Passersby heading in the opposite direction gave them annoyed looks as they stepped aside. To which Russia gave his 'don't fuck with me, I'm Mother Russia.' glare.

"Where do you want to go?"

"There's a movie I would like to see."

"To the movie theater!"

They were quite the sight when they exited the vast, neon building a couple hours later. Russia appeared pleased, but America and Denmark were plastered against him, eyes wide and teeth chattering.

"Oh God," America moaned.

"D-did you see that? Th-the m-mon-monster ate the p-po-poor dog. " Denmark continued.

"I'm so sorry." Russia said, holding the other two countries close with a protective arm around each.

"I completely forgot that you two don't like that sort of movie!" He continued.

"But it was your idea, Alfred. " Russia said.

"D-don't be silly. I'm a hero. I have to watch those movies." America argued.

"I understand." Russia said smiling as he squeezed Denmark's shoulder.

"But you guys have to stay with me tonight!" America said, pointing to the two other countries.

"I won't leave your side!" Denmark stated, as scared as he was.

"Want to go drinking, my beautiful sunflowers?"

"Mm. I don't know, Vanny."

"Maybe we can meet up with Mathilda and Emilio. " Denmark said.

"Maybe but I wanted to spend the night with you guys. " America said pouting.

"Alright, we'll spend the night by you. After we pick up Greenland and Antarctica. " Denmark whispered.

Then the memory ended.

Iceland was the first to respond.

"Is that my sister?"

"Twin sister. Country name -Greenland. Human name -Mathilda Kolher." Mathias asked.

"She normally watches the states but she is present for a meeting if she is needed. You never noticed her because of how alike we look. I'm sure that you guys mistook her for me. " Mathias answered.

As Germany called for a break, Iceland and the other Nordics go to Denmark to get to know who Mathilda Kolher aka Greenland was.

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