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*POV Addison*
"Derek. I know what I did was wrong but that gave you not the right to leave me and screw the first girl you met." I was angry and hurted.
"Well you did it."
"I know. And I feel bad about it. And I regret it, you know that. And I can't tell how bad I feel for the things I did to you. And be-"
"And BECAUSE you know how bad you feel or felt. and that's why you should have known that it's wrong to do the same to me."
He called me 'Addison' and he was screaming it. I know he's in range and I won't have a chance now.
So I left him alone in his trailer and drive to the Archfields where I got a hotel room.
I lay down in my bed and was replying everything what happened today in my head.
'Meredith seems young. Very young.' I thought. 'He could be her teacher...

What if he is her teacher?

What if she's not just a mistress?

What if she's in love with him and he's in love with her?

What if they're in love with each other?'

I wonder.
And with this thoughts I started falling asleep.


The next morning I get up very early so I decided it would be a good idea to be this early at the hospital. Maybe Derek would be there too and we could get a chance to talk again about all the things that happened between us. And Mark. And Meredith.

As I walked in the hospital I saw Dr. Webber who was walking straight to me with a big smile on his face as he saw me.
"Addison! Nice to see you again!" He said.
"Yes, it's been a long time ago since the last time. How are you?" I asked.
"I'm fine, thanks. And what are you doing here? Ohh I'll hope you're not injured, are you?" He asked with a worried expression on his face.
"Oh god no. I'm good. Thanks, I'm great." I said. "I'm here because of Derek."
He gave me a weird look. "You two aren't divorced?" He stutters.
I shacked my head. "No, we aren't yet. But if you thought, that's interesting so he didn't tell you otherwise?"
"No, we never talked about you. Only about Mere... Oh ups. Sorry, I wasn't supposed to say that, I guess."
"Meredith. I know her already. And I know that she is or was with my husband. I've met her yesterday."
„Okey fine." He nods. „And you aren't jealous or angry?"
„I can't say that I am not jealous but it's my own fault."
He nods.

Derek appears behind Richard so I walked towards him.
"Derek! Please, can we talk?"
He stares at me. And this stare made me feel guilty.


"Oh no, this ist a 911 Page", he said and I nod, because I understand that it's important to answer it. And he started to run.

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