Meeting him part 2 (edited)

Start from the beginning

I parked my car on a random street and sat there, trying to calm myself down. I successfully calmed myself, when I felt eyes on me. I turned my head to the side. I looked out the side window to see a man looking into my tinted window. He was looking at his neck which showed a few red bite marks. I rolled down the window and caught the scent of honey mixed a bit with pine (yet the pine scent was fading).

"Someone likes it rough." I said with a raised eyebrow.

I heard the man hiss at me, his blue eyes narrowed at my green ones. His blue eyes are clear and bright, too vibert a color of blue to belong to a human. His facial features didn't match that of a human as well, too defined yet smooth. His face is too inviting, sexy. Mate, I decided as I inhaled his honey scent yet again.

I offered my hand to him, " I'm Gan-fuck".

The man grabbed my hand. Heat and shocks and pleasure, ran through my veins like wildfire. I could feel and hear him drinking my blood, my mind was going hazy. I reached with my other hand, grabbing a fist full of his soft, black hair. I yanked him harshly off my wrist. I watched as my blood dripped down the side of his face. His tongue slides out from between his lips and licks the corner of his mouth, gathering my blood on his tongue. My heart pounded in my chest at the sight. Was that suppose to arouse me so much? I watched as his eyebrows pulled together and his hand that was on my healing wrist, moved to my other wrist.

"You can let me go now." He said annoyed, dominance slipping into his tone.

Oddly enough, I felt the slight urge to do as he told me. So I pulled on his hair, hearing him groan, I liked the sound. He give me a confused look. Did he really think that i'd let him go?

"Is biting a person as they introduce themselves a new greeting in the vampire clans?" I asked him. My deep voice a bit rough, demanding an answer, as my own dominance rolled off me in waves.

He blinked and looked upset, which I found adorable, he hissed again, "No".

"Then. why. did. you. bite. me?" I said each word slowly, patronizing him a little so that he'd get more upset.

He didn't disappoint, his eyebrows pulled together as he jaw clenched over and over again. He breathed through his nose slowly, before he spoke with underlying anger, "You smell good".

I tilted my head a bit, analyzing his face to see if he was messing with me. When I found that he wasn't, I shook my head. I decided to put the consequences of him biting me to the back of my mind for the moment, as I reveled in the fact that I found another mate.

"As I was saying, I'm Gannon", I loosened my hold on his soft hair and slide my hand down to cup the side of his neck.

"Roger and I'd like it if you'd let go of me." He hissed yet again at me. His words sounding more like a demand than a request.

A smile rose on my face as I added pressure to my hold on his neck; this pressure would make any human pass out. For a vampire it was just enough to make them gasp for air.

"Do you know an ebony beauty named Nia?" I questioned him, loosening my hold on his neck a bit.

"Yes, she's my employee, as well as, one of my infinities." He said glaring at me as he added, "which you are as well."

I smirked as I unlocked my car door and released my hold on his neck. "Well, we have some things to discuss, Roger."

Auden's pov:

"I'm insane. Well, I can feel it in my bones, Coursing through my veins. When did I become so cold? For goodness sakes. Where is my self-control? If home is where my heart is, then my heart has lost all hope." I sung along with the band, falling in reverse as I packed all my things.

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