".. That was Sapnap, wasn't it?" Chapter Two

Start from the beginning

"A-AH, sorry, for.. disrupting your stream."

"Y-You didn't! I was just talking to my stream and not looking to where I was going, and I bumped into you."

"Yeah. Yeah, okay."

The man let out a small scoff, you held a look of confusion on your face. What did you do, ruin his favorite t-shirt or something with your presence?

"I wasn't scoffing at you, I'm just scoffing at the fact that I could have done that with my fans a long time ago."

"Oh.. Well yeah, duh.."

You both stared at each other long enough for you both to erupt in chuckles, you holding your mouth while he just adjusted his shirt on him. He looked so familiar from somewhere, but you couldn't even begin to put your finger on it, as you wondered what would happen if you had asked him if he was Sapnap. Confusion spread across your face as you took out your camera, smiling wonky to your fans as you were starting to explain the situations to them.

"Hey hey hey! Sorry about that, I bumped into someone, sorry y'all!"

Oh shoot, sorry Star.
Had us worried for a minute!
Don't dO THAT-

"Jesus. Okay okay, I won't. Everyone say hi to the random person I had bumped in.. to.."

You darted your head around, he was gone? But you didn't even get a chance to ask for his name! You gave a small groan as your eyes flirted around all the other people, until you saw him get into an elevator that went up. Maybe he was staying at your apartment? Or maybe visiting a friend that had lived here for a while? While the door was closing, you held up your camera towards the sliding doors as you waved him off, the man not noticing until the last second as he flashed a grin.

You held your camera a bit more steadily for your chat, before the sliding doors finally closed. Sighing a bit, as swinging your camera back over to see your face, you found that your viewers had gone up tremendously from just 700 to at least 2,000 viewers, yelling that Sapnap was in your area. It was crazy, more than you could ever handle. You shook one of your hands in front of the camera, people giving you the weird side eye as you sat down at a nearby café. No way, no freaking way, SAPNAP, Samsung Refrigerator, was in your area? You let out a small happy squeal, as you started to ask where. One thing struck you though, they kept saying that Sapnap was going to McDonald's to meet up with Skeppy, another youtuber that you had watched religiously when you were a bit younger than you were now.

"Woah woah woah.. Where at McDonald's? Like, which McDonald's?"

The answer, well, maybe it wasn't what you were expecting.

(insert your address)
(insert your address), he said that he was going here-
(insert your address) here, he said that mcdonalds was really good-

You blinked. Multiple times. Your address? Why would he need to have your address to go get some McDonald's? It didn't hit you until one of your fans stated that your apartment complex was actually by a McDonald's. The same McDonald's. The same address. It couldn't have been a miracle. It wouldn't have been.

"What color shirt was he wearing? A fire t-shirt?"

Yeah yeah
Yeah, he showed something on twitter before he lieft

You sunk into your chair more as you settled your camera to a nearby stand, so they could see your full reaction. It was blank at first, the possibility of Sapnap being here was close to being a bit over a million since Texas was pretty much the biggest state that you ever lived in. Then it twisted into a sense of realization, the address, Texas, the same McDonald's? It was way too much of a miracle.

"Guys... That was Sapnap, wasn't it?"

Meanwhile in Twitter...

TwSapnap: Met a cool fan today, don't think they know it was me.

DreamWasTaken: That's because you're too ugly for your own good.

GeorgeNotFound: 🤣🤣🤣

TwSapnap: Shut up Dream, at least I have people who simp over me more than you.

"That's one!"

Knocking a player in the void below in Bedwars, you found yourself seeing your team's bed getting destroyed, the yellow leather on your skin causing you to sweat and worry even more than you usually do. Holding an iron sword and a diamond pickaxe, you shouldn't have any problem going over towards the green bed, which was wide open. Incredible offense, as you would say, can come with a weak defense at the time to strike. That time was now. Holding the wool in your hand, it was a small jump between you and the bed. Alerting your teammate who had a knockback stick, they ran over, hitting you towards the other side.

Between the jump, you barely dodged a fireball, feeling the hot coals fighting to go for your skin before landing on the birch wood of the other team's bed. Running towards it, you saw that one of the players had stayed to attack, but they weren't armed. No, just a knockback stick like your teammate. They were planning to knock everyone off since you were the last team and everyone's bed was destroyed but theirs. Thinking fast, and glancing at your chat, "pog" residing in the chat, you threw multiple snowballs at them, knocking them back, as you destroyed the bed, casually looking towards your other teammates. Two of you were left, but they had handled the other two that had resided on the green team.

Giving a small chuckle, you walked towards the person, they were scooting back, afraid. Like they had seen some sort of ghost or something. Holding the sword towards the neck, they muttered something. Something that made your skin crawl, but in a good way.

"who.. who are you?!-"
"oh kid.. I'm the Star who's going to come down on your little world!~ And destroy it."

Giving a good thrust, the person in front of you poof into thin air, the words "Victory" residing in your eyesight as you cheered. Everyone in the chat was cheering, laughing even as you started to jump around happily. Yes! Now you can finally say that you carried a team and won a game! Small sparkles flew around you as you got out of Minecraft, shaking your head as you felt your headset fall out, everyone laughing at you in the chat. You gave a chuckle as you started to stretch, giving your signature goodbye before everyone left.

Today.. It was a good day. Unexpected in some, but rewarding in others. Let's hope that tomorrow brought luck as well.




DreamWasTaken: what the heck Skeppy that's my friend.

Skeppy: He's mine now, fuck off-

TwSapnap: :D

5.6 pages, 1,929 words

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