let's get started!

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Mei: Hey y/n you never told me what your quirk is.

you: oh! my quirk...my quirk is...toolbox

Mei: Toolbox?

you: basically I can make my fingers into any type of tool be it less automotive then tools nowadays... my quirk doesn't have a drawback so I can build whatever I need to another part of allows me to see in the dark by simply making my eyes glow a bright yellow colour.

Mei: wait but... you only have one hand...so I can see how your quirk was hard to use...

you: yep it took me years to learn how to change my fingers into tools the hard part was the fact I was born without my left arm. so building a basic one resulted in a few hundred failed tests....this led to me losing my leg as well...but now after a few long years, I build my own leg and arm so am ok. 

Mei: so you build all your inventions without learning from scratch while being handy caped...

you: yep. my upbringing as a kid was ruff but..that's in the past and this is now. *yawn* sorry mei I might have to head home for the night...

Mei: ok bye y/n I'll be at your place tomorrow to get started making more Babies! 

you: mph! y-yep! see you then!. 

y/n then walked home witch wasn't that long only 15-minute walk..and finally, he got home to open his door enter his room and finally fall asleep resting peacefully in bed...

the next morning

y/n woke to the knocking at his door. he groggily walked over to see Mei happily waiting to get started. 

Mei: good morning y/n! ready to get started!?

y/n: *yawn* what time is it?..zzz

Mei: 6:30 AM! now come on we got work to do before the entrance exam! 

Mei then walked on in following y/n as he made himself a coffee. they soon found themselves in his Workshop. and right away Mei brought out her notes next to y/ns 

you: *sip* so what are we making? 

Mei: well I was I couldn't decide! so I had a few plans but nothing really stuck with me.

you: well while you get stuck into that am going to start fixing up one of my projects.

Mei: which one? 

you: well it's really more of a side project but I wanted for myself. 

Mei: you still haven't told me what it is yet.

you: ahh! well, I wanted a way to scan someone and figure out there quirk on instantly so that it whould be way easier to fight villains with unknown quirks.

Mei: that would take years to even develop a prototype! let lone the things needed to make it.. altho it's not impossible it would be extremely hard to make...unless...

you: yep behold my most worked on thing project detect! I went through countless trials and test runs to make a single prototype! 

Mei: this could guarantee UA through recommendations alone! wait does it work?! 

you: s-sadly no but! I 'v done some basic coding so that it can detect someone basic states! the quirk bit is more difficult.

Mei will that's why I am here! to help bring this baby to its glory! 

you: alright then! let me get my notes on it.

y/n then brought out what seemed to be 10 individual notes on project detect from the coding to planing from basic design and parts needed and finally a few pre designs created just to get a basic idea.

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