more the meets the eye

904 13 12

y/n was now in the shower and casually letting the water just fall on his back as he relaxed in the hot shower. meanwhile, Mei had awakened up from the sounds of rain after realizing she was at y/n workshop she soon snuggled up in the huge blankets that covered the large bed. after a bit, y/n came out in nothing by baggy pants and got into the bed with Mei. he casually slept close to her for one of two reasons one it's fucking cold and two cause he fucking can.

anyway, you slept close to Mei unknown to you Mei moved closer to you so you were basically spooning just wholesome cuddles in a bed. you gladly accepted this and hugged her meanwhile Mei had a blush redder then Kiri's hair. while you spooned her. soon you fell asleep as did Mei. 

the next morning...

y/n had gotten up before Mei he was already working on something from his workshop before Mei looked further she noticed a plate with a lot of food on it sitting next to her. she gladly sat up and ate it while watching y/n. then she proceeded to see what he was working on. and he making something really strange looking

Mei: What you working on?

y/n turned to Mei and smiled before showing her his glorious creation. it looked somewhat like a better version of his arm.

you: I figured I need to upgrade on my arm so I built this Mk 16

Mei: wow. what did you add to it?

you: glad you asked! 

 y/n then poped on the arm after screaming in pain for a few seconds the arm attached itself to his stump soon the hand changed into his plasma cannon

you: not only that. but it can do this!

y/n then pushed his arm back a bit before multiple tools popped out

you: now I do use the plasma cannon to cut things but it's good to have other tools on me just in case. 

Mei: that's amazing! wait why are we at your workshop?

you: oh your parents went out for the night yesterday so I took you to my place. while you were sleeping I cleaned the place up so it wasn't as messy as before. 

Mei: oh well shouldn't we get ready for school. I got ideas to make the suit better!

you: ok! well, let's get going!

the two had breakfast well more anyway and then headed to school both of you were excited about what you were going to do today. until you reached school and Maijima stopped you both from entering the workshop.

both: what?! 

Maijima: sorry guys but sadly the workshop is closed for maintenance. 

you: M-Maijima doesn't do this to me! am an introvert nerd I need my tec.

Mei: Please Power loader am sure it can wait for another month!

Maijima: am sorry guys my hands are tired and anyway you both are needed with class 1-A about the trip well mainly y/n if you could head there now Mei your allow to join him if you want.

Mei: class 1-A?! perfect! come y/n we can do some tests!

you: test runs?! alright then! see ya later Maijima! 

Maijima: bye.

the two then headed to class 1-A and what better way than to crash thorght the door...

meanwhile, before that Aizawa was telling everyone about the fact the two students were coming into work with the class since they were attending the trip. altho he left out the trip part.

Male reader x Mei Hatsume MHAحيث تعيش القصص. اكتشف الآن