depressions child and a mentally unstable nerd part 1

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y/n was sitting in his chair in the middle of English ignoring pres mic and just thinking about his arm and what happened to it...why did that figure still his arm and leg? what for fear? already had that.

it rattled in his skull for hours since he had always put the past behind him he never thought on so naturally, it never bothered him. then it got him thinking what if they ask about his quirk? about what he did. it scared him. so like normal he tried to get it past him by doing work...but it stuck to him. and oddly enough Mei actually noticed this. so she. being the person she was asked him about it.

after class...

Mei: Hey y/n you ok?

you: huh? am fine Mei.

Mei: hmmm...I don't believe you!.

you: w-why not? 

Mei: you never stutter! and you only do so when your lying!

you: a-am n-not I swear. [Damit! she caught on play dumb!]

Mei: am onto you y/n

you: who's y/n? [not that dumb!]

Mei: you leave me no choice.

Mei then left and brought back Shinso who was kinda being his loner self but now was being pulled along by Mei. 

Mei: alright I need you to help me find out what's wrong with him!

Shinso: hey y/n.

you: hi shinso...

Shinso: alright Mei what did you need? am lost.

Mei: he lying about not begin ok! and I need to know why!

Shinso: ok y/n what's wrong?

you: am not going to fall for tha-

a few hours later y/n was sitting in the nurse's office sitting in a chair Mei Shinso, as well as Maijima and Aizawa., were sitting there looking at him

you: where am I?

Maijima: the nurse's office you had a bit of a panic attack

Shinso: it's my fault... 

Mei: and mine...

Shinso: you basically went on and start talking about how you lost your arm and leg and then start shaking and it went downhill from there

you: oh...

Mei: am sorry y/n! I j-just didn't know what to do and you were I wanted to see what was wrong and. *Sob*

you: it's ok Mei we all make mistakes mine was messing around with Interdimentonal travel for a sec-once and you wanted to see if I was ok with isn't really a mistake but I forgive you and you two shinso I don't blame you either...just myself

Shinso: am sorry anyway...

Mei: me two y/n.

Maijima: anyway your all good to go but you got to take a day of Recovery girl said so

you: reasonable. anything else I should know about?

Maijima: mei will keep you updated. 

Aizawa: and Shinso you're grounded for a day two. 

Shinso: ahh! wait that's fair

Maijima: Mei you can continue to work in the Workshop but am lowering your time there as punishment until tomorrow

Mei: ok...

Maijima: any way you three need to get ready for your next class

the three left the room to head to there classes while Aizawa and stayed behind as did Maijima RG then gave him his blood test and on it showed his quirk. blood type age and other data.

Male reader x Mei Hatsume MHAWhere stories live. Discover now