Toshinko Filler Chapter 2

Start from the beginning

"Sure, I'll get him as soon as i get him to understand how unmanly and unchivalrous his actions were." Risotto said before leaving. She received a text from Toshi.

Toshi: Hey is your day going good so far?

Inko: So far yea. But some guy tried hitting on me. Then Crimson Riot helped me out.

Toshi: Who was this guy so I can pummel him to the ground?

Inko headed to class, thinking of what the man told her. Later that day, she went home to talk to her dad about it.

"Hey dad," Inko told. "Im home." Inko's dad just looked at her before looking back into the paper he was reading.

"Dad, can we talk." Inko asked. Her dad put down the paper, folding it away. "So this boy came up to me and asked me out on a date, his name was Hatake something. I denied it because of, well, Toshi but he told me that you told him that he was allowed to date me?"

"Yes I did, Inko I do not want you dating that buffoon from the hero course. I am completely against your relationship and would want you to end things with him as soon as possible." Her father stated.

The news shocked Inko. "W-what!??!" she asked.

"You heard me, I want you to break up with him the next time you see him. Am I understood?" her dad asked sternly.

"Why?" Inko asked. "We're not having this discussion," her dad said pulling the newspaper back up, "Do as you're told."

Inko however refused to follow his orders. "I'm not breaking up with him." inko whispered.

"What did you say?" her dad responded in rage.

"I said, I'm not breaking up with him. I love him and I know that he loves me. I will not let you make my decisions for me. I've seen you do that with Kotaro and I'm not letting you do that to me." Inko told her dad, tears threatened to fall from her eyes.

This infuriated Casper. He grabbed her hand. "Listen here young lady., I am your father which means I have the right to force you to do something whether you like it or not," he said, "You will do what I say WHEN I SAY!!!"

Her dad was about to slap her. Inko braced for impact, but his hand was caught by Nana.

"What are you doing?!" Casper asked, "Your daughter stepped out of line and I was just doing my duty as her father to keep her in line!" 

"I'm keeping you from making a mistake with Inko," Nana said, "Inko is happy with Toshinori, and as parents we have no right to intervene!" 

"Inko shouldn't be anywhere near those so called 'pros'," spat Casper, "She should be with someone that I approve of! So stay out of it."

"Don't tell me what to do! Can't you see you're oppressing your family?" Nana asked. 

"I'm not oppressing anybody!" Casper said. 

"Well you're oppressing our daughter!" Nana shouted. 

"I am not! I'm just exercising my right as Inko's father to force her to do something she doesn't want to do." 

"That's the EXACT DEFINITION OF OPPRESSION!!!" Nana said, "Look, I've never told you anything when you played control freak with the lives of our children. I know I wasn't always there for them but i try to make all the time i have with them memorable. And I will not stand you making the lives of our children miserable because of your damn regrets." 

"I have no regrets," Casper snapped. 

"This isn't about you Casper, this is about Inko," Nana said. 

"Why should we as parents be concerned about our kids feelings about relationships?" 

"I will not have this conversation with you," Nana said, "Why are you trying to force Inko to break up with Toshinori." 

"Because it's my RIGHT!" Casper shouted, "Inko should daate someome that I APPROVE OF!" 

"This is NOT! ABOUT! YOU!!!!!!!!!!!!!" Nana shouted, getting in his face.

Inko's dad left the room, seething with anger as Inko cried in her mother's arms and Kotaro watched from the staircase. 

"That guy he tried to set me up with.... He even tried to touch me," Inko said, tears streaming down her eyes. 

"Now now dear, it's alright," Nana said. Toshi arrived with flowers. 

"Inko, I heard these are your favorites and...." He saw Inko crying in Nana's arms. "Did I come at a bad time?"

Inko rushed over to Toshi and hugged him. 

"I'm just really glad you're here right now," Inko said, "I feel so safe with you." Toshi looked at her. 'What happened?' he wondered as he hugged Inko. 

"Why don't you two go and have some fun?" Nana said, "While I deal with my idiot of a husband."

Later Inko and Toshi were walking around the park. 

"I can't stand my father," Inko said, "He's always so demanding, he thinks it's always about him."

"I can't believe he'd try to force you to date someone," Toshi said, "That's not right to force someone to be someone they aren't. And that guy had no right to try and touch your girls without your consent." Inko smiled. 

"That's one of the things I really like about you Toshi, you're always willing to listen to my troubles," she said.

"Well my mom always said respect a lady," Toshi told her, "Let me offer you some advice." Inko nodded. "Don't let people tell you who they expect you to be," Toshi began, "Especially not your father. Just be happy with who you are, and don't ever change." Inko smiled while listening.

"Be happy and think with a straight mind, don't allow someone else's words to twist the way you think," Toshi continued. Inko looked at him. "Remember what you told me on our first date?" she asked, "About you wanting me to come to America with you?" Toshi nodded.

"Honestly, if I had the opportunity, I would run away with you so we could be together forever," Inko said, "But we have our whole life ahead of us. One of the things I admire about you Toshi... You don't hesitate. You exhibit no restraint, and you take, and also give. If there's a reason we're together when some people don't want us to be, then I'm willing to wait for it." Toshi pulled her in for a kiss. 

"So am I," he said.

Inko grinned. "You know, if there ever comes a time where you wanna.... Touch my girls, all you have to do is ask," she told him after which he blushed a dark red. 

"What... I.... Um.... I would..... Why... IF..." Toshi said while muttering. Inko giggled.

"I'm just teasing," Inko said, "Your reactions are so cute." She cuddled with him. Toshi put his arms around her. 

"You know you want to Toshi, its natural for every guy to have those urges, especially if its their girlfriend," Inko said, "You can touch."

Toshi reluctantly reached his hand under her right breast and gave it a squeeze. "Feel nice?" Inko asked. Toshi nodded. She rested her head on Toshi's shoulder. 

"I love you Toshi," she said. 

"I love you too, Inko."

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