Whats happening?

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Note before we get started: this takes place during the pterosaur rampage but this is what happened in the raptor paddock

Without further ado lets get started

Blue was just lying on the ground sleeping and echo and charlie were talking and echo was a bit uneasy

"you okay bro?" charlie asked

"y-yeah its just" echo said

"what?" charlie asked

"why do i get the feeling something's not right" echo said

"what do you mean?" charlie asked

"i dont know but i feel as if something's gonna happen and its not gonna be good at all" echo said

Nobody was in the raptor paddock apart from the raptors themselves

Delta looked at blue and she couldn't have been more happier cause blue was just sleeping she was an open target

"now i'll show you who the alpha of this pack really is" delta said as she moved closer to blue

"hey look" charlie said pointed at delta closing in on blue

"i knew something was wrong" echo said as he prepared an attack position

"lets see how tough you really are once i break all your bones" delta said as she tried to attack blue

Echo thought fast and pushed delta away before she could attack blue

Blue woke up and saw her sister on the other side of the paddock on the ground

"what just happened?" blue asked

"delta tried attacking you but i pushed her away" echo replied

"w-what?" blue asked

"dammit echo! Get out of my way!" delta shouted

"and what let you hurt your own sister? You think im heartless like you delta? No im nothing like you im more like blue and im proud of it" echo said

"then you're weak just like her" delta said

"guys stop this!" blue said

"shut your mouth blue! You're nothing but a pet!" delta said

"what did you just call me?" blue asked

"a pet a stupid obedient pet to owen dont you see? he's just using you he'll probably get rid of you once he's done with you" delta said

"dont you dare say that delta" echo said

"and why not?" delta asked

"who took care of us? Who raised us? Who trained us? Who protected us when nobody else was there?" echo asked

Delta was speechless

"it was owen it was always owen who cared for us but you just see him as an enemy somebody you need to get rid of" echo said

"shut up! Shut up! Shut up!" delta demanded

"i wont! You need to be taught a lesson delta just because you treat barry with respect doesn't mean im okay with you treating owen like he's nothing but flesh" echo said

"stop lecturing me! Im not a child! And owen IS nothing but flesh!" delta screamed

"you know whats funny? You say you're not a child yet you literally sound like one cause you dont get what you want and when you dont you get angry just like a child" echo said

Delta was not tolerating her brother

"you better stop before i'll do something i wont regret" delta said

"go ahead then prove it!" echo insisted

Delta without hesitation rams echo and sends him flying into the wall

"delta!" blue screamed

"you stay out of this!" delta said

"that was nothing i've dealt worse" echo said regaining his balance

"oh really?" delta asked as she and echo circled each other

"im not gonna regret this" delta said

"you will once i show you the error of your ways!" echo said as he and delta charged at each other

Echo slapped his tail at her face and pushed her away

"ragh!" delta screamed and charged at echo but he dodged it

"your anger is blinding you thats something i noticed back then when you sparred with blue even if it was a tie blue got the upper hand barely getting a hit from you" echo said

This only fueled delta's anger even more

"silence!" delta said as she tried attacking her brother agian

And yet again echo still dodged

"whats the point of this? Why do you even want to do this? We can just quit its easier that way" echo said

"quitting is for the weak and the ones who show mercy and weakness as i said before im not the type of girl to do that!" delta said as she charged again

"then you'll certainly beg for mercy after this" echo slaps his tail at delta again and uses his arms to slam her to the ground

"everything we've done for you everything owen did to protect and take care of you and you just push him away? You just push us away?!" echo was furious

Charlie was beginning to feel scared

"you said blue cared more for owen than us yet here you are on the ground and the only thing you care about is yourself you never show affection cause you view it as being weak while others live for each other you dont understand that!" echo screamed

then he raised his left arm and prepared to slash delta

"echo no!" blue said

Echo turned around to face blue

"dont please" blue pleaded

"and why shouldn't i? All she ever cared about was her own life and her reputation as a hunter she never cared for us she only acted as if she did but she never did" echo was still furious

"echo she's still our sister and if you do this you'll become no better than she is" blue said

Echo finally calmed down and walked away from delta

"im sorry" echo said

"its okay i understand" blue said

Suddenly screaming was heard and pterosaurs were flying above

"what? The pterosaurs are out?" charlie asked

A mighty roar was heard it was not the pterosaurs

"look!" charlie said as he pointed at a white creature he didn't see it clearly but whatever it was it was gigantic

"whats going on?" blue asked


Author's notes: jeez i've been busting out chapters today like there's no tomorrow anyways so yeah and by the way i really wanted to focus a lot on echo here cause he has been holding his hate for delta back for so long and here is where he lets it all out originally i wanted it to be sister vs sister and have blue fight delta but i figured cause echo has a secret hatred for her why not let him fight her?

See ya next time!

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