The Old Park

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Claire and owen came to someplace where they think zach and grey were and the place they went to was none other than the original visitor center from jurassic park back in 1993

They searched the garage

Owen found something on the ground

"is this one of theirs?" owen asked

"that road leads straight to the park" claire said

"how did they even get one of these started?" owen asked as claire felt something

Owen and claire hid behind an old jeep wrangler as something went into the garage

"hmm i wonder who is in here" it was the indominus her head was in the garage trying to look for prey

She tried to move the jeep but to no avail

After that she left

Owen grabbed his gun which he left while they were hiding but then....

"FOUND YOU!" the indominus broke through the roof and owen and claire run away

They ran outside of the visitor center

The indominus followed them and roared but then she noticed a helicopter and chases after it

"lowry we found her south of the gyrosphere valley between the old park and the aviary" claire said as she talked to lowry on the phone

"are you following the dinosaur?" lowry asked

" yes call ACU real guns this time" claire said as she talked to lowry on the phone

"ACU is airborne they took the helicopter" lowry said

"who flying it?" claire asked

Simon masrani and two soldiers were on the helicopter

"we have eyes on the target south of the aviary proceed and engage" vivian said

"come on! Look alive boys! Look alive" simon said as he closed in on the indominus' location

Owen and claire run out to a cliff where they saw the helicopter

"10 o'clock by the bird cage!" one of the soldiers said as they spotted the indominus

The gun was aimed at her and they shot at her but barely damaged her

The indominis broke into the aviary breaking the glass

"get out! Be free!" the indominus said to the pterasaurs

"i dont know who or what you are but hey its better than staying in here" a pteranodon said as the pterosaurs flew out of the aviary

"pull up! Pull up!" the soldier said as the helicopter tried to pull up

They tried shooting the pterasaurs but a soldier was taken away by a pteranodon and the other soldier was stabbed by a pteranodon

The helicopter began to crash and then it broke the top part of the aviary sending it falling to the ground

The helicopter exploded

"when will you people ever learn? Nothing will stop me Hahahahahaha!" the indominus laughed as she ran away

"we have a breach in the aviary" vivian said

The pterosaurs take flight and fly out of the aviary

"trees go go!" owem said as he and claire ran away from the pterasaurs


Author's notes: the hybrid queen remains alive and now the pterosaurs are free get ready cause the next one is an absolute rampage

See ya next time!

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