Mixed feelings

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Another day in this stupid ass high school. Glad this is my last year.

As I walk inside girls gave me dirty looks, let me tell you, ever since Ross and I became friends my life changed completely. I know I seemed like a loner, but it's not that, it's just that I don't hang with girls with nasty attitudes, and trust me that's all you'll see. But anyways like I was saying Ross showed me his friends and they're actually pretty cool, and funny. They're all guys though. Now that I'm thinking about it, I don't have a girl-friends.

I walked down the hall with my headphones on listening to my tunes. I stood in front of my locker and wrote my combination on my lock. When it opened a girl with black hair and really tall, Really really tall... I mean she's wearing heels. She slammed my locker closed, I took my headphones off and turned around facing her.

"what the fuck are you doing? Bitch"

She looked shocked at first, well I mean I'm not the type of girl that's gonna curse.

"Austin is mine alright?"

I was about to say something until someone grabbed me by my waist.

I turned my head alittle to see who it was, and for my luck austin.Not really.

I got out of austin grip making him confused.

"listen, I've never seen you in my goddamn life, and what I'm saying is Fuck out of it." I walked towards her making her back up. "And about austin he wouldn't date a slutty bitch like you, I mean look at him, your not on his level, but I am." I smirked.

I saw austin smiling at the back. I feel horrible for doing this, I think we were kinda in a relationship and I guess this is gonna be the last day.

"Who are you?" Austin joined the conversation.

I saw the girl turning red. "Bye." she said and walked away really fast making her fall, Bitch you're wearing heels calm the fuck down.

I turned around to find austin smirking.

"Get the look off your face. & austin I think this isn't working. & sorry I can't move in with you anymore, it's all over."

His jaw immediately dropped. "But I thought you really liked me. You just cut her ass."

"I like you as a friend. I realized I may have feelings for somebody else." he looked down and nodded.

"But I really like you...."

"I know... I like you too..."

Austin's face lighten up like a Christmas tree on Christmas.

"So, what's the problem?"

"Ugh.. This is so confusing. I have feelings for both of you... No this can't be happening." I said realizing everything.

"I'll give you time." he said and kissed my cheek making me jump a little.

I smiled and nodded.

The bathroom 2 rooms away, I need to freshen up a bit.


I looked at my self in the mirror and sigh deeply. I grabbed the lip gloss from my bag and started putting it on my lips.

The bathroom doors Burst open with a tall blonde. Ross. He grabbed me by the waist making our faces inches apart. I could feel his minty breath, was he chewing gum? I looked up at him, directly in his eyes, those beautiful hazel eyes. one of his hands was still on my waist and the other one went up to my face, he placed it on my cheek and caress it, and soon he pressed his lips with mine. My eyes widen, surprised of his actions.

I soon relaxed and started kissing back. He pulled away after 5 seconds. I love his lips, this isn't the first time kissing, but it is our first time kissing in school, in a girls bathroom.

He looked at me and smiled and pecked my lips.

"Do you still have to think about it?."


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