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I was in bed, reading a book, studying for an important test tomorrow. The lights were on, I was getting alittle sleepy so I closed my book and put it in the little table that was next to my bed. I closed my eyes for a while, and out of nowhere I heard someone yell. My eyes were wide open now, I groaned, but I was curious on what was happening so I walked over to my window, and saw a girl yelling at this blonde guy. I see him everyday, he comes with a new girl every week. such a player... I rolled my eyes and walked back and took my glasses off and turned the lights off and jumped in bed. I smiled since the people outside stopped yelling, it was quiet and peaceful, I was falling in deep sleep when...

I heard someone knocking on my front door like crazy. nobody was home, my parents went to my grandmas house cause she was really sick and she didn't have nobody to take care of her so my parents went. I hope she's ok. and my sister... she's never home, she's always partying, she quit school, my parents were very disappointed. But anyways I stood up and walked out my room.

"Ugh stairs" I said, sometimes I hate the fact that my bedroom is in the second floor. they were still banging on my door. I got real frustrated, I ran to the front door and open it, then yelled..

"WHAT??" I yelled harshly. and there he was the blonde guy with the girl, I saw earlier fighting. "what?" I asked again calmly

"Baby!." the guy said

W....T....F did he just called me baby?.

The girl just looked at me waiting for an answer.. I looked at the guy he mouthed "please help me."

"Babeeee." I said fake smiling.

The guy came to me and and gave me a hug, he smelled good.

"UGHHHHHHHHHHH" the girl yelled and walked away, and got in her car and drove away.

"What the hell just happened?" I said.

"Oh I'm sorry about this, but this girl was a real pain in my ass." he said "My name is Ross by the way. thank god I saw you standing at the window." he said in relief.

"I'm Laura." I simply said "well I gotta go" I said and closed the door in his face before he could say anything else. I locked the front door and ran up to my room. I walked over to the window and saw him walking away from my house, he crossed the street, and walked over to his house. Did I mention he lives right in front of me.? Well he does. but whatever, I closed the curtain and went to bed.

Finally 🌙🙌.


I got ready for school, I took a shower and got dressed in a skirt that went all the way down to my knees, with a white shirt and some converses. I flat iron my hair, I smiled since it's getting really long. Did I mention that I'm really good with the school stuff, I'm technically a nerd I guess!!. I always get A's, I feel very proud of my self. When I finished my hair I went downstairs to the kitchen and I ate some cereal, with orange juice. when I was done I grabbed my bag, and my keys, I walked slowly to the front door, when I opened it, there were chocolates and a Beautiful Rose, and a frappe caramel from Starbucks on the ground, I smiled and picked all the stuff up. there was a card under the box of chocolates as well, I opened it.

Thanks For Saving Me Yesterday.

Here's your reward.

From: Ross 😘

I smiled, I put the chocolates in my bag, they gonna be gone when I finish my frappe. I put the Rose in my bag and the card as well, I locked the door and walked to school.

When I was half way to school, i saw a car following me, i got scared, I turned around and saw the car coming closer, whoever was in the car was driving in a slow rate just to catch up with me. I walked faster and faster.

"Laura it's me ross!" Ross yelled from the car. ugh this boy scared me to death. "Need a ride?" he asked still driving very slow, next to me.

"No, I'm good" I said and kept walking

"What highschool you go to?" he asked

I turned to the right where the car was to face him "hillcrest" I said

"I go there too, how come I never saw you?" I didn't answer. "come on, ill drive you."

"Ok" I said and got in his car. "Thanks for the stuff" i said simply not making eye contact with him.

"Welcome" he said and smiled. we reached the school. when I got out the car, everybody stared at us, is he popular or what?

"Thanks for the ride." I said and ran as fast as I could.

While I was running I heard people say "Ross with a nerd? disgusting.."

"Ewww Ross with a flat ass."

"WHAT???" Ross dating a nerdy butt, when he can have all this, ugh.."

I knew this was a mistake. I don't want to see this guy anytime soon.


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-Maria 😘

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