I need them </3

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Ross pov

I'm speechless... after all this years I never knew my mom was sick?. They all kept it a secret and didn't tell me anything. I hate my family so much.

"WHY YOU NEVER TOLD ME ANYTHING?." I yelled at them, Laura grabbed my chin and made me face her and mouthed 'calm down.'

"Because we knew you was gonna act this way." rydel told me

"So that's why you used to cry because of mom? can someone just explain me everything." I said while tears were forming in my eyes.

"Ross honey.." mom said and knelt down as I sat on the couch, she didn't let me see her face, I knew she was crying. "I'm so sorry I left you for all this years. Sweetie I love you. the only reason me and Mark left was because we was traveling around to find a good place that could take care of me, and help me with the cancer. I went to many hospitals, then left cause they didn't have the medication I needed. and I fought cancer just to be with you guys and meet my grand kids and everything. I didn't want you to be crying for me, so I thought it was the best."

"Mom we would of went through all of this together."

"Then if I stayed here, I would be dead. understand Ross. cancer is very difficult and thank god I got diagnostic with it in a early period of time, and that's good. please forgive me ross, I promise I'm never leaving your side."

"No mom this makes me hate you even more! WHERE WERE YOU WHEN I NEEDED YOU? I NEEDED MY PARENTS BY MY SIDE, AND NOW YOU GUYS ARE JUST STRANGERS TO ME! WHAT WAS THE POINT OF COMING BACK AND LEAVING 3 DAY LATER, ARE YOU GONNA DO THE SAME NOW? YOU LEFT ME FOR YEARS, YEARS! AND I DONT WANT YOU GUYS HERE, AND I THINK THE BEST IS FOR YOU GUYS TO GO YOUR WAY, SO I CAN HAVE MY NORMAL LIFE, I CANT EVEN STAND SEEING YOUR FAC-" I got cut off my a hand on my mouth, it was Laura's. She looked at me and mouthed again "please calm down" she rubbed my back back and forth, and played with my hair only things that can calm me down. now I had all my attention on her, but she pointed to my parents with a sad look, I turned around to find my dad holding the bags, and my mom kissing my siblings cheek, same dad, they both turned to me and gave me a soft smile which I didn't return, and now they was completely out of sight, they left.. again...

I ran up to my room crying my eyes out..

I didn't mean it... I didn't mean it was all I said.. I didn't mean to yell at my parents. I'm the worst son ever!.

I felt so safe when I hugged my mom and now she's gone again because of me. I heard Laura yelling my name and knocking on my door.

"Ross please open it. please!" she said softly .

I didn't think it twice and opened the door, she immediately hugged me, and I hugged back!

We pulled away after a couple of minutes. she wiped my tear with her thumbs.

She gave me a weak smile which I gladly returned "don't worry ross, they'll come back!" she said trying to cheer me up.

"No Laura, they probably hate me now, I didn't mean everything I said, it just came out."

"I'll be here for you, bestfriends will always be there for you no matter what and I am, now give me a hug" she said opening her arms, I hugged her tightly, and she just giggles. "Let's go downstairs." She told me, I nodded and we intertwined hands and walked downstairs to find rydel crying her eyes out.

I sat next to her and hugged her, she hugged back, I thought she was gonna kill me for what I've done.

"I'm sorry." was all I manage to say.

"It's ok, they gonna be saying at that motel that's 4 hours away from here,oh and I almost forgot fuck you." She said while standing up and walking to her room.

"You better apologize to mom and dad man, all they was doing was protecting us, and I'm sure they did the right thing ." Ryland and Riker said and went upstairs.

"I wanted to eat moms pancakes so bad, they're just so good, but now I cant. so go fuck your self you dummy." rocky said and left slamming the door closed.

Now it was just me and Laura.

"They said they motel was 4 hours away right?"

She nodded.

"And my parents just left, which means they're not that far, so I'll back."

"Wait I'm going with you."

"Ight let's go!"

"ADVENTURE TIME!!." she yelled and ran to my car.

I need my parents and I'll get them back!! I miss those son/mother moments so bad, and how I used to ask my dad for girl advice, haha it was funny how my dad used to use my mom as an example.

So I'm just gonna pretend they never left. so we all can have our normal lives, I need my parents by my side... forever....


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