I felt rage boil in me as I watched one of the more silent girls slap Hadrian, before I could think of what I was doing the girl was writhing on the floor from the Tormentum curse, extraordinarily like the Cruciatus just more legal. The other girls looked on stunned at the girl on the floor. I glanced at Hadrian to see him looking at me with curiosity on his face, I released the girl not breaking eye contact with Hadrian. I reluctantly tore my gaze away from him, "It's not nice to hit others. Besides your friend is a liar and a disgrace. She might as well be a whore, she threw herself at me proclaiming her love for me as she was dressed as a bed warmer... I would choose your friends more carefully," I stated as I grabbed Hadrian's shoulder and led him back to the Slytherin dorm. Once we were further in the dungeon I stopped dragging Hadrian... Peverell to a stop as well, I turned him to fully face me as I lifted his chin to exam the damaged caused by that horrible hag. So far the mark was already red and swelling. I pulled out my wand and carefully drug it across Had-... Peverell's cheek, I watched as he winced slightly but then sighed as the pain vanished. I let go of his face and continued to walk. "Thank you..." I heard Hadri-... Peverell say from beside me, "It was nothing," I brushed off as we made it the entrance to the dorm, I quickly said the password then hurried into my room.

I lay wide awake. I could here everyone's soft breathing as I lost myself in thought... I completely lost composer over Peverell. I hardly know him and already I'm possessive of him. Hell he made me furious... but something about him was just so appealing to me, I wasn't one to deny how I feel about something, especially if it's something I want... and right now... I want Hadrian Peverell.


It has been a week of Hadrian sitting with my knights and I, a week of Hadrian irritating me endlessly in potions, and a week of Hadrian making me entranced. It frustrates me how easily I am attracted to him. I stopped trying to read him as Peverell in my mind, he is the first person to do that to me, of course I always address people by their first names so that I seem more friendly, and it makes them more easy to manipulate... but I don't want to manipulate Hadrian. I have come to terms that I do in fact fancy Hadrian... which means that makes him my weakness, and I can't have weaknesses... it's decided. I will no longer speak with Peverell.

That morning as I'm getting ready I glance over to see Hadrian bent over feeding and petting his Zouwu kit. I watched as he then moved on to feed his Swooping Evil. I looked away quickly and grabbed my stuff as I walked out the door heading towards the Great Hall. As I opened the door I noticed that there was only one teacher supervising breakfast today, normally all the teachers ate together during breakfast and dinner. Today however only the old coot was here. I didn't bother saying hello or good morning. He would only glare anyway. I sat down and instantly my desired food choice for today appeared in front of me, which consisted of tea and slices of apple. The hall doors suddenly banged open revealing Hadrian he made his way towards me, I swiftly drank down my tea and ate my apples before leaving and heading to the library, Hadrian's face made my stomach sink, he looked so confused and disheartened.

I walked into the library and sat at a random table. Since I'm avoiding Hadrian I might as well finish my search for the Chamber of Secrets I only need to search the bottom levels after the fifth floor. I got up and headed to the fourth floor, I looked every where that might lead to an entrance, even things completely obvious and ignorant. I cast a quick tempus as I was headed to the third floor, I still had a full two hours before my class, I had two free periods today so that gave me more time to search. I was lost in thought on possible places where the chamber could be when I ran into something smaller than me, "Terribly sorry..." I trailed off when I noticed it was Hadrian who I ran into, he made eye contact and smiled at me, I pushed past him not wanting to get entranced by his hypnotic green eyes.

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