🌟Older Odom pt3🌟

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After the two women had confessed their feelings for eachother, Y/n had set out on taking Collette on a beautiful date somewhere. Once she had everything planned out, she finally asked the dancer to go on a date with her. Walking to Collette's office, she knocked gently while holding a single red rose.

"Come in!" Taking a breath, she walked in with a soft smile, holding the rose behind her back. "Hey" she showed Collette the rose and handed it to her. Collette giggled softly at the cuteness of the taller woman. "Thank you Y/n" "I was wondering, if after work you would like to go out to dinner with me?.."

Smiling, Collette nodded as she gently ran her fingers over the rose petals "i would love to" Y/n smiled brightly and kissed Collette's cheek softly "i'll pick you up from your place! Wear whatever you want!" She leaves her office and starts setting up some more things for the date.

Later in the day, once they had finished work, Collette went back to her place and started to get ready. Once she was ready, there was a knock at the door, she opened the door and saw the older odom stood, wearing a suit somehow similar to Collette's dress.

 Once she was ready, there was a knock at the door, she opened the door and saw the older odom stood, wearing a suit somehow similar to Collette's dress

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As Y/n looked at the woman, her jaw dropped "W-wow

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As Y/n looked at the woman, her jaw dropped "W-wow.." Collette blushed "is it to much?" Y/n quickly shook her head "n-no! Its not to much at all! You look.. perfect".

Y/n took Collette's hand and lead her to her car, she opened the door for Collette and helped her in before gently shutting the door, getting in the drivers seat and driving to the date. As they were driving they would talk about the years they hadn't been able to speak as much, saying what they had done, what they planned to do etc. Once they arrived, Y/n turned off the car and turned to Collette.

"I know that your used to going to big restaurants on dates but I also remember that you said that you have always wanted dinner on the water." Getting out of the car, she helped Collette out and lead her down onto a beach with a wooden walkway that lead onto the water.

" Getting out of the car, she helped Collette out and lead her down onto a beach with a wooden walkway that lead onto the water

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Collette gasped softly as she looked at the scene infront of her, the two women walked to the table. Y/n pulled out the chair for the other woman and smiled softly as she sat down before sitting in the chair opposite from her. The two women spent hours sat, talking, laughing, flirting and enjoying eachothers company. Most of the time, the two women would just get lost looking at eachother as the other spoke.

Once they had finished eating, they began to just walk across the beach hand in hand, Collette gently laid her head on the taller girl's shoulder as the walked. Smiling, Collette stopped walking which caused Y/n to stop and look at her "you ok?" She nodded but took both of Y/n's hands "i am more than ok. I am perfect. Not only because of the date, but because... i am so, so in love with you Y/n Odom".

Y/n smiled brightly and gently pulled the shorter woman closer to her "i am helplessly in love with you too Collette Jones" giggling softly, Collette took the woman's face into her hands and kissed her longingly and lovingly as Y/n placed her hands on her lower back, bending down slightly before they slowly pulled away from the kiss.

"Y/n, I want to be with you. And you are never getting rid of me" Y/n kissed her again before saying "Sounds like a plan to be babygirl"

Stage three, complete. Misson accomplished

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