Chapter 13: The Schnee

Start from the beginning

I soon arrived to his office, as i break down the door, but saw no one

Y/N: Strange, no one is here

I saw two bookshelf, seperate by the size of a door, and walk toward it

Y/N: Really?

I punched the wall, and grab someone from behind it, and got them out of their hidding

Jacques Schnee, crashed into the ground, and quickly hide behind his desk

Jacques: W-What do you want?! L-Leave me alone!

Y/N: Did you leave the faunus alone when they asked you?

I pushed his desk away, scaring him

Y/N: Did you stopped when they begged you to stop?

I grabbed his collar, and hold him in the air

Y/N: Did you stopped when you saw the kids in front of the dead body of their parents?!

I tossed him to the wall, and grabbed my katana

Y/N: I am here, to stop this, once and for all

He tried to crawl away, but i kicked him away

Y/N: I will make sure that you will not do any harm, ever again

I placed the sword above his head, as he was crying

I bring down the sword, but missed a few inches from his face

Y/N: But killing you won't bring them back

I walked toward the door, before looking at him in the eyes

Y/N: I want you to do a broadcast, where everyone will see it, everywhere in the world, and i want it in a few minutes

He nodded his head quickly, before running to his scroll, and call someone

I walked toward the door of the women, and slammed the door

She didn't bother to look at me, as she was still drinking

Y/N: So, that's how low the Schnee have fallen?

She stopped in her track, before looking at me

Y/N: You Schnee say you're superior, but in reality, you're even worst than the White fang

She got a scowl, as i walked toward her

Y/N: If i kill all of you, then the world will be better

She closed her eyes, and placed the bottle of wine away

Willow: You are right, the Schnee are not what they once were, but saying that we are worst that those animals isn't acceptable

Y/N: And what are you gonna do?

Willow: Nothing, i can't fight you, or even hurt you

Y/N: Is that so? Then you you accept death like that?

Willow: Yes, i can't do anything about it

She turned around, her back facing me

Willow: Do it, it will be better for both of us

I placed a hand on her shoulder, but she didn't looked back

Y/N: Do you that's what Winter want?

Her eyes opened, as she looked at me, curious

Y/N: I may not know Winter perfectly, but i know she care for you, and would be devasted if she know you died

Willow: Hmph, even tough she care, it won't change the fact she give the title of heiress to Weiss, and that without telling us

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