Chapter 13: The Schnee

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It took me 2 weeks to go to Menagerie to Atlas, and from what i know, The vytal festival will start soon

I managed to get in Atlas, tough, i still don't understand how

Noble or rich person where the only thing present here

I guess that's why Weiss and Winter are so "spoiled"

I was in some alley, trying to stay hidden, not wanting to destroy all Atlas force

Some huntsman in training saw me, before chasing me, trying to capture me 

???: Stop right there!

???2: You idiot! He won't stop like that!

???: I just wanted to say it!

I was soon on a dead end, as they caught up to me

???: You can't flee anymore, give up, and no harm will be given to you

I turn around, and when they saw my hateful glare, they took a step back

???2: I think we should leave, he is no joke

???: We have to, if we don't do it, who will?!

Y/N: Trust me, if you stay here, you won't be able to do anything else  of your life

They took a step back again, as i took this chance to jump on a roof, and flee

I want to bring peace, not scare the huntsman in training

I decided to go to the big fish, and walk toward the Schnee mansion

It was enourmous, but still not the size of Beacon

Some guard stopped me, but i took no time to cut them, and making my way to the main house

I kicked the door down, making sure everything in the house know someone enter

The maids looked at me, as i told them to get out before they be collateral damage

They ran out as fast as they could, as i made my way to the main problem

On the hallway, some boy was standing, and he was smirking at me

Whitley Schnee, a spoiled and arrogant brat, thinking that he is superior to anyone from what Weiss told me

Whitley:  Well, if it isn't the strongest criminal, what brings us the honour of your visit?

Y/N: Where is Jacques

Whitley: My father is on important business right now, so i think you should turn away and leave

Y/N: I see, then i guess i will come another day

He smirked, before he received a punch from me, his mouth now bloody

Y/N: That's what i've would say if i was a dumbass

Whitley: How dare you?! I am Whitley Schnee! I-!

I stabed the sword inches away from his face, and glared at him

Y/N: Title means nothing in front of me, so don't get full of yourself

He passed out from fear, as i sigh, and made my way to Jacques office

I saw a door open, so i checked in, and saw Willow Schnee, drinking as always, from Weiss told me

I opened it, and saw her turning to me

She looked at me with dead eyes, before returning to her bottle

I will deal with her after Jacques

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