Chapter 8: The big bad wolf

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I was on my dorm, ready to go to class, before Alicia, who i learned her name a few minute ago, grabbed my sleeve

Alicia: W-What am i going to do?

Y/N: You're coming with me to class, but first we have to eat

She jumped on my back, a smile on her face

As we were walking, Team RWBY walked out of their dorm, and they greeted me

Ruby: Good morning Y/N!

Yang: Are you okay? You look like you didn't sleep at all

Y/N: Because i didn't

Blake: Why is that?

Alicia looked at them, and waved at them

Y/N: That is the reason

In a instant, Weiss and Yang was in front of me, and had puppy eyes after seeing how cute Alicia was

In a instant, Weiss and Yang was in front of me, and had puppy eyes after seeing how cute Alicia was

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Yang: Oh my god she is so cute

Alicia: Your hair is so cool!

She touched her hair, as Yang was laughing

Yang: Of course it's cool! It's my hair after all!

Weiss: Who is this adorable little girl!

Alicia: I'm Alicia! You are so pretty with your white hair! You look like an angel!

Weiss patted her head, as they were still chatting, me in the middle

Blake: Say Alicia, who is Y/N to you?

Alicia: He is my Papa!

I dodged an incomming punch from Yang, and a kick from Weiss

Y/N: Why did you tried to hurt me?

Yang: When did you kidnapped her!

Weiss: You truly are disgusting!

Y/N: I saved her yesterday from a Grimm attack

Yang: Like i believe you!

Alicia: He is saying the truth!

The two looked at Alicia shocked, before she got off my back, and explained

Alicia: When the meanie where about to hurt me, Papa kicked it away, and told me to get on his back
There were so much Grimm, but Papa took care of them like they were nothing!
He was like PAW! And then the Grimm were ROAR! But Papa was then BAKOOM! and when the biggest one was there, Papa was like " i got this" and then, and then!

Y/N: Calm down, i didn't save you to let you die because you didn't breath when you explained my story

Alicia: Okay Papa! When the big meanie was here, Papa one shoted him with his bare hand!

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