Flash Spanking People - 21

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Payton's POV

After spending a wonderful night with Peter, Ned, Michelle, and I were on our way to the decathlon. MJ's mother Mary Jane had drove us in her Jeep Wrangler.

A lot of Midtown High students were waiting by the yellow bus for everyone to get here, dressed in our yellow uniform jackets. Ned was fanning me with his hand when, suddenly Peter runs toward us. Petey!!

Abe: Hey, it's Peter.

Peter: Guys. Payton.

He leans in and kisses me!!

Liz: Peter?

Random Ass Extra: Hey, buddy.

Peter: Yeah, I was hoping maybe I could rejoin the team.

Flash, standing in the back, walks forward to face Peter, apparently thinking he's an authority figure with an opinion!

Flash: No, no way. You can't just quit on us, stroll up, and be welcomed back by everyone.

Payton: The thing I'm wondering, though, is who asked for your opinion Flash? You don't own the team, you idiot.

Flash rolled his eyes and muttered, whatever. The *actual* teacher walks out of the bus.

Mr. Harrington: Hey, welcome back, Peter. Flash, you're back to first alternate.

Flash: What?

Abe: He's taking your place.

I start dying laughing and pat Abe on the back for the unnecessary sass. Michelle appears behind Abe, sans uniform. "Excuse me, can we go already? 'Cause I was hoping to get in some light protesting in front of one of the embassies before dinner, so."

"So...okay MJ, I see u!!" She got back on the bus.

Mr. Harrington: Protesting is patriotic. Let's get on the bus.

Flash shrugs off his jacket and sullenly thrusts it into Peter's arms. I slide into the seat across from Peter, taking the jacket and throwing it on the floor. Everyone on the team has their own, so if you mess it up, you have to pay for a new one. Then, I grab a match and let the jacket get a little singed before putting out with my dirty shoes. Liz widens her eyes at the small fire and Flash looks scared. I look MJ in the eye and yell, "ARSON!!!!"


The bus is travelling through the highway. 90 miles to Baltimore, 126 miles to Washington. Liz is getting people to take the quiz, preparing for the competition. "Focus up, everyone. Our next topic is the moons of Saturn."

Everyone is holding bells, focusing on Liz's quiz. They ring their bells before answering. Cindy answers first: "The second law of thermodynamics." Then Charles with "Frank Sinatra." Flash answers, "Fort Sumter," to the next question. But, as Abe pointed out, Flash is wrong. "Okay, guys, let's focus. Next one." "Liz, don't overwork them."

Peter: Uh, strontium, barium, vibranium.

Liz: Very good, Peter. Glad to have you back.

Peter: Glad to be back.

I high-five Peter, "Good job!" He smiles and nods.

In the middle of the quiz, Peter's phone vibrates. He takes it out to see that Happy is calling him.

Liz: What is the current standard unit of radioactive-

Peter: Can I take this real quick? I'll only be a sec.

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