Episode 7 - Martin Luther King Jr. Day

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By Kirishima Dad

Shrek was looking through his mailbox when he noted a blue envelope in the very back. It must have been there for a while. He grabbed it and opened it. It read:

Hello Shrek,

It's me, Martin Luther King Jr.! I would just like to invite you to my family-friendly, and very epic, birthday party! It's on January 20th! Please be there! It's at 2:30 pm.

Shrek looked at what day it was on his phone and realized it was January 20th! He noted that he still had 2 hours, so he rushed inside and told Waluigi what was happening.

"I'll go tell the kids to get dressed, you go get a present for him!" Waluigi rushed Shrek. Shrek nodded and then went into the garage and got in a tall red heel car and rushed to the closest store. He rushed out and grabbed a birthday card and a gift card. He also grabbed a blue gift bag. He quickly paid and rushed back home. He put on a nice shirt and went into the living room. Waluigi and his kids were nicely dressed, but Savannah still had her hydro flask bag on. They were neighbours so they just walked over. Martin Luther King Jr. gave them a big hug at the door. All of their neighbours were there.

After a little bit, Martin Luther King Jr. said that he was going to open his presents. He got one from Lafayette and Ella, it was a baguette. He got a couple of other gifts and then he opened Shreks. He thanked them and then got out a red velvet cake. He blew out the candles and then sliced out pieces of cake. After we had cake, Martin recited his entire "I Have A Dream" speech. It was a fun birthday party!

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