Sixty Seven

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I was laying here with the dark casted over me. 

The only light that lit the night was the light from the stars and.....

The moon.

As I was laying here I heard the crunching of the grass, and a shadow casted above my head.

"Hey." Lyrik said.

I looked up at her, sitting up.

"Hey." I greeted.

"What're you doing?" She questioned.

"Looking at the sky." I answered pointing to the sky.

She looked up as well looking at the stars.

She gasped slightly. "The little dipper."

"Actually that's the big one." I said.

"No, that's the big one." She corrected.

I widened my eyes.

"Oh shit. Why's the little one so big?!" I exclaimed.

She laughed. "That's what she said."

I rolled my eyes, lightly hitting her leg as we both chuckled.

"Anyways, I came to tell you that Mr. Boss Man said to meet in the living room for a very important meeting." She said.

"Is that why you're dressed like that?" I questioned, raising a brow.

"No, I took a shower after I worked out a bit and found this cute turtle neck so yeah." I shrugged.

I nodded. 

Standing up, I walked in front of her as we walked towards the back door.

We entered the house, Lyrik closing the sliding door.

I continued to walked towards the living room where Noah was.

I sat on one of the three couches. 

Noah waited until Lyrik was seated to set his phone down.

"So.." Noah began. "I got us a private jet, from a close friend since we are wanted so we can fly there, then we'll have another one of my close friends waiting for us in a jeep and he's gonna drive us to the police station."

"When they see us, they're probably gonna hand cuffs us, don't fight back. Just let them. I got everything under control, I know what I'm doing. Please behave and listen to them, or you will fuck this up."

I sighed. 

" No need to list these rules. I'm the master at getting arrested."

He looked at me with a blank face. 

" I'm serious Willow."

I nodded. 

" I am too Noah." I said putting an emphasize on his name.

He shook his head. 

" Anyway, we leave at 9. But I want us all up and ready by 8:30."

Lyrik and I both nodded. 

Noah stood off of the couch walking out of the room.  

" It's not as bad as you think."

She raised a brow, looking over to me.

" Getting arrested. It's not that bad."

" It's not that I'm afraid of. It's the possibility that they don't believe us, then what?"

I shrugged. 

" We either do the time, or find a way to ensure they believe us. But I'm sure with how Noah's talking we'll be fine." I assured her. 

" I hope." She said before standing up off of the couch and walking out of the room. 

I sat here in the quiet for a couple of more minutes. 

It's not everyday you're turning yourself into jail, and are facing the possibility of jail time.


The alarm on the table next to me rang, echoing around the room. 

Reaching my arm over I slapped my hand down twice in attempt to hit the snooze button. After the second try I lifted my head off of the pillow, this time successfully quieting the alarm. 

Rolling over onto my back, I threw the blankets off of my body sitting up. 

I rubbed my eyes before standing out of bed I looked at the time. 


Too fucking early for this shit.

Walking to the bathroom I switched on the light on and walked over to the toilet. 

Quickly using it, I stripped myself out of my clothes and stepped into the shower turning the shower water completely hot steaming the entire bathroom. 

Standing there I felt the sensation burn into my skin. 

This may be the last hot shower I take. 

After washing my entire body, I wrapped the towel around my body walking over to the sink.

Grabbing the hair dryer, along with my hairbrush I wiped the steam off that covered the mirror. 

Brushing through my hair, I plugged in the dyer blasting it. 

Finishing after about 15 mins, I unplugged the dryer throwing it back into the drawer along with the hairbrush and walked out of the bathroom shutting off the light.

Opening the drawers of the I picked out a black bralette, along with pair of black underwear. 

Dressing in the outfit I had picked out, I walked over to the mirror taking a quick glance. 

After I was done, I walked out of the bedroom taking one last look around before closing the door. 

Walking down the stairs, Lyrik and Noah were already in the kitchen both sitting down at the island with bowels of cereal in front of them. 

Noah looked at me, and then at the watch on his wrist. 

" Your late."

I looked over to the oven. 

" By 15 mins Noah, not that big of a deal."

He sighed. 

" Just quickly get something to eat."

I nodded. 

I wasn't exactly the hungriest at the moment, but the food in jail is horrible. 

Grabbing a bowel, I grabbed the box of captain crunch, pouring a good amount before pouring my milk. 

Sitting down next to Lyrik I slowly spooned cereal in my mouth as we all sat quietly around each other. 

Noah stood out of his stool setting his bowel in the sink.

" We have 10 mins until we have to leave."

Lyrik and I both nodded our heads. 

" You ready for this?" I questioned. 

" As ready as I can be, what about you?"

I shrugged my shoulders. 

" Unfortunately I'm always ready."

XOXO ParisBesties

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