"I have some homework to do, are you coming?" Draco mutters so only Harry can hear.

"Actually, I was thinking about staying down here for a bit." Harry shifts his gaze to Theo, a plan forming in his mind.

"Alright, I can bring your books up for you." Draco takes Harry's things before making his way toward the stairs down to their dormitory, Blaise and Theo following behind him.

Harry calls out to Theo, catching his attention. "I saw you playing chess the other day. I never learned how; I was wondering if you could teach me?"

Theo's face lights up at the idea, responding enthusiastically, "Of course!" Blaise looks at Theo questioningly and Theo nods his head, as if to say "I'll be fine" before turning back to Harry and ushering him toward the chessboard. Harry and Theo take their seats, facing each other.

"So, the premise of chess is fairly simple." Theo begins to set up the pieces. "However, playing chess is not. To be good at chess, one must have a definitive strategy, while keeping in mind that their strategy may have to change throughout the game based upon their opponents actions." His voice is confident as he finishes the setup and looks Harry in the eye for the first time since Harry has known him.

There are multiple reasons why Harry wants Theo to teach him to play chess. For one, Harry is genuinely interested in the subject and would like to learn. However, he figures that getting Theo in a comfortable environment and doing something that he is passionate about will be a great way to connect with the usually shy boy. Harry is hoping to gain his trust and get him to open up about his home life, which is obviously quite a bit like Harry's. Harry can see himself and Theo becoming great friends, able to confide in each other about things that most people just wouldn't understand.

"The object of the game is to capture the other player's king. The different pieces are able to move in different and unique ways. For example," Theo picks up one of the bishops, "The bishop can move diagonally in any direction, as far across the board as it wants." Theo places the bishop back on the board and picks up a rook instead. "The rook can move any number of vacant squares vertically or horizontally." Theo traces the motion with his finger and Harry nods in understanding. Theo continues explaining how each piece moves, making sure that Harry understands each one. "There are a few rules, such as castling, that go with the game as well, but we won't focus on those while you're just beginning. The best way to learn is to actually play. If you have any questions as we go along, just ask."

The two begin to play, Harry catching on to the game rather quickly. Suddenly, Theo yells "Checkmate!", earning puzzled looks from the others in the common room. Theo blushes madly and apologizes softly. "You did really great for your first time." Theo looks at Harry and grins at him, another first in their relationship.

"Thanks for teaching me. I had a really great time." Harry replies.

"Yeah, we should do it again."

"We should. Any time you're in the mood, let me know. I'll be here." There is a double meaning to Harry's words, which Theo takes note of, nodding and staring at Harry.

"Thank you, Harry. I might just take you up on that." Theo smiles softly before standing and stretching his shoulders over his head. "We should go up to the common room, Draco and Blaise are probably getting jealous."

Harry chuckles. "Yeah, either that or planning something utterly frightful. I don't know why I ever trust him alone." Theo laughs as they walk into the room.

"Oi, I heard that!" Draco cries indignantly from his bed where he is laying on his stomach reading.

"Guys, we have to get going. The feast starts soon." Blaise snaps his book shut and sets it aside, Draco following suit. The two boys put on their shoes and stand, walking to the door. Theo joins them and they all look back at Harry when he stays behind.

Harry Potter and the Slytherin Truth: Year OneWhere stories live. Discover now