Chapter 2

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We got in the car and he was driving. I plugged my earphones into my phone and started to blast music. I put them in my ear and started to listen to Anaconda by Nicki Minaj. I heard some faint talking in the background, but didn't think too much of it. That's when we stopped and Trey started to tap my shoulder.

"Boy, what?!" I asked him irritated.

"Where you wanna go?" He said rolling his eyes.

" I don't know? You the one that asked me out." I said matter-of-factly. I started to look at my phone and was scrolling through my Instagram. I felt his eyes on him. I looked up at him, and he smirked. I wanted to blush, cause his smirk was oh so cute. But I played it off, and looked away.

"I know exactly where we're going." He said smiling.

I shrugged my shoulders, and again started to jam to my music. About ten minutes later, the car stopped. 

"We're here." Trey said. I looked out his door, and saw where we were. 


I groaned, wishing I've picked the place instead of him. This guy probably wants to kill me. 

"Let's just go." I said while exiting the car. We went inside Paintball Palace, and got on our paintball suits. Trey got the tickets, and soon we were inside some huge room. 

It looked like almost a forest in a way, instead of large trees there was large barriers. 

"Oh, this is gonna be a piece of cake." I said thinking to myself. I mean c'mon. What's so hard about this?

There was someone talking through the speakers. 

"Alright. Are you guys ready?" A young man said. 

"Yeah!" Trey and I screamed back. 

What happened next scared the crap out of me. The lights were turned off. I mean everything was glow in the dark, but what the hell is that gonna do?! Basically I'm fucked. 

"Don't worry, Ashanti. I'll go easy on you." Trey said, and walked to his respected side. I scoffed, and went to the other side.

"On your mark...get set..." The man said again. Then a bull-horn vibrated through the speakers, and intense music started to play.

Perfect...Just perfect.

*Vote/Comment/Follow. A little bit rusty I know. But soon to get better. By soon, I mean next chapter. ✌❤*

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