short - stay-at-home

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596 likes, 47 comments
ji.soup store time w bae 😽

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seoklee did i give you permission to post my photo
   ji.soup @/seoklee i didnt think i needed permission oops

cvs.sol why am i on your phone still @/seoklee
   seoklee @/cvs.sol why not bday twin 😁❤️

cheolseung i see the masks off... natural selection time
   seoklee @/cheolseung exactly what i was sayin 😐
   ji.soup @/seoklee DAMN im sorry luv :( 💓 and @/cheolseung you go first ❤️

   ji.soup @/hangel yES?? why are you shOUTING in my comments
   hangel @/ji.soup turn around fake fairy lookin trash

jisoo looks around the station, confused. what did jeonghan mean when he asked about the station?

"are you looking for someone, soo?" seokmin starts to look around with the elder.

"han was asking if we were at the station next to our apartment? i'm not sure what he meant..." jisoo glanced to his phone to read it again as seokmin gasps in surprise.

"hyung!" seokmin waved to the figure hovering near jisoo. the latter turns to see it was none other than yoon jeonghan.

"what the hell han? i do not look like trash! i think that you look like the can of garbage we walked by on the way here." jisoo laughs as he points to the overflowing trash can with a few rats feasting off of its contents.

"wow. hi to you too, shu!" jeonghan smiles with a sarcastic tone. he sits next to jisoo and goes on his phone for a bit, readjusting his hat.

"hey, han, look!" jeonghan's head tilts up as jisoo snaps a photo of the two of them before jeonghan could register the fact that it was a photo. jisoo posted it before jeonghan could even refute.

 jisoo posted it before jeonghan could even refute

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