short - stay-at-home

665 35 88

THANK YOU SO MUCH FOR 10K :( i was planning to rewrite notes when i hit 10K but im an expert procrastinator so here is this instead !!

seokmin and jisoo were found in their natural habitat. sitting on the couch draped upon one another, scrolling on instagram and sending each other funny posts on their explore page.

"hey, can we make lunch, soo?" seokmin glanced to jisoo, who was laying on top of seokmin's legs. jisoo smiled and nodded, stretching his arms before rolling off of the couch. the floor was a bit farther from the couch than anticipated, making the elder's side sting a bit as he hit the floor.

seokmin chuckles and pulls the elder off of the wooden floor. as they walk to the kitchen, seokmin playfully pokes the side that jisoo fell on.

"aYe that hurts!" jisoo jumps and covers his side, kicking the back of seokmin's knee for payback. they continued the shenanigans for another few minutes before tiring themselves out and laying on the floor.

"i'm too lazy to cook anything," jisoo sighs before getting himself to the fridge, "besides, all we have left is eggs and cheese."

seokmin has a sudden idea and jumps up off of the floor, "lets go to the supermarket then!! it's like a little date!" seokmin smiles and nudges his boyfriend. jisoo thinks for a bit; do i have the energy to go to the store? after seeing seokmin's bright smiles, though, his mind was suddenly set on the mall.

they go into their room and pull out random pieces of clothing in their drawers.

"what color do you wanna wear?" seokmin's head pops out from the drawer to ask jisoo. the latter looks at their appearances; they had dyed their hair when this quarantine first started and they haven't bothered to do anything else to it after. while seokmin's was a dark brown, jisoo had a faded light pink, comparing to the color of a fairy.

"hm, do you wanna wear black?" seokmin smiles and nods at the suggestion, pulling out a black tee he got from a random store. jisoo, after deciding that he wouldn't want to show off his arms, went with a black sweater. they both grabbed black masks and jisoo readjusted his glasses before they stepped out.

they walked to the train station hand-in-hand, applying hand sanitizer before sitting down. since it was a tuesday afternoon, there was barely anyone in the station. jisoo pulled his phone out to take a photo and, after a few minutes of bickering, he got his boyfriend to take off the mask for a few seconds for the photos.

"that was dangerous, i was in danger jisoo!" seokmin pouted as he complained about taking his mask off for the photo.

"sorry, that was the only time okay?" jisoo pats the other on the head, apologizing along with the pda.

as they waited for the train, seokmin went to listen to music and jisoo went to upload the photos he just took onto instagram because why not?

as they waited for the train, seokmin went to listen to music and jisoo went to upload the photos he just took onto instagram because why not?

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