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He and a few other people who shared in his appreciate for Aoi (as well as some people he may or may not have intimated) took it upon themselves to make Yashiro pay for making Akane's beloved Aoi-chan upset.

Before class every day they would blow up Yashiro's phone with the same messages she was now looking at with tear filled eyes. It would stay persistent throughout the entire school day, no exceptions. At all hours of the day her phone would be buzzing.

It got to the point where Amane, being the protective friend he is, attempted to take her phone to look at the messages she tried to pretend weren't bothering her. Obviously he was stopped from even glancing at them and Yashiro dismissed everything by saying Aoi had invited her to a group chat with all of her friends and that they were just a really talkative bunch. It took much more convincing than either of them liked, but eventually Yugi just accepted that she wasn't letting up.

Yashiro had tried to block the numbers, but they would always get a hold of her somehow. She soon came to the realization that just blocking the numbers every time wasn't going to do anything in the slightest.

The messages themselves.. scared her. Most of them weren't even threats, but somehow they hit Yashiro exactly where it hurt. It was like they had gotten into her mind and scraped out every last insecurity before perfectly attacking and expanding upon them. Even messages relating to things she didn't even know would ever bother her made her stomach churn and tears roll down her cheeks.

This pared with the boys tripping her in the halls or bothering her after school when she had just finished cleaning the bathrooms made Nene snap.

Aoi was the first to notice when Yashiro purposefully avoided her gaze completely, not even daring to breathe the same air as she did. Even when the blue haired girl had become ready to reconcile with the her, all Nene really did was attempt to smile at her. Aoi had just taken this as an indication that her apology was accepted.. though she did see how fake Nene seemed to be.

Fake smiles, fake laughter, it all felt fishy to Aoi. But she just took this as Nene feeling awkward after their fight.

But Amane was an entirely different story.

He had noticed Nene's off behavior right after Aoi, when him and Nene were eating lunch together, which by itself is about the most natural thing in the world for the both of them. He already knew something was off the days prior but today she just seemed completely out of it. He too noticed the entirely faked smiles and laughter, but what he also noticed was how she gave no response to anything. Not even when he called her a daikon which usually got him a headbutt and a scolding of some sort, but today all she did was just continue to eat.

Yugi had already asked her if everything was fine but clearly she wouldn't let anything slide so he went unanswered.

This continued for only two days before Aoi got angry with Nene again, this time for being so fake around her. Yashiro could barely even explain herself, so Aoi just took this as a sign to leave with them still not having the issue resolved.

Everything only got worse. But she knew that her attempts at seeming normal so far weren't good enough based off of the argument her and Aoi had.

So the next day she forced herself to seem like she was right back to normal. The only thing that seemed even slightly off was the fact she was wearing her winter uniform outside of winter, but this could easily be excused by the sudden increase in mosquitoes. Another thing that Amane noticed was off was the fact that Yashiro's phone rung even more than before. But she still had her silly skull pendant, her horn clips, and her adorable daikon legs. Everything that made Yashiro so truly Yashiro. At least on the surface.

→𝓗𝓪𝓷𝓪𝓷𝓮𝓷𝓮 𝗢𝗻𝗲 𝗦𝗵𝗼𝘁𝘀! (DISCONTINUED) (Continuing on AO3)حيث تعيش القصص. اكتشف الآن