Chapter One

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Hope and Dr. Saltzman are heading to a church to pick up a newly triggered werewolf, not knowing someone from Hope's past is going to be outside waiting for them. When they pull up to the front of the church Hope gets out first, and about to head into the church when she sees a familiar face sitting on the stairs. 

Hope: Landon???

Landon: Hope???

Dr. Saltzman: Do you two know each other?

Hope: Long story

They hear a noise from inside the church and their attention gets pulled to whats going on inside.

Hope: Dr. Saltzman

Dr. Saltzman: On it... their locked 

Hope: Dissera Portus! your gonna what to stay out here Landon trust me.

When Hope and Dr. Saltzman walks in the see the priest doing an exorcism, and lets just say it was getting annoying.

Dr. Saltzman: Shut up the exorcist would you?

Hope: Silencio....Ad Somnum! 

After they get the wolf known as Rafael chained up, and he changed back to human form he got dressed and all four were in the car and heading back to the Salvatore Boarding School. On the why there they stopped to get coffee, cause it was a long night and a long day ahead. As soon as Hope got her coffee she took a sip of it and started chocking. She looked at Dr. Saltzman he he knew there was vervain in the coffee. Before Landon could take a sip of his Dr. Saltzman took the coffee from him before they had to lock him up for the night. When they get back to the school they are greeted by none other then Lizzie and Josie Saltzman AKA the Saltzman Twins, also Dr. Saltzman's kids.

After Rafael went with the twins Landon went with Hope and Dr. Saltzman to his office. after going through what the school was M.G. was brought in to compel London everything that he had seen and heard of the supernatural world, and that Rafael has found a new and safe home. After all that happened Hope decided to go find her favorite twins to see what they are up too before she goes to train with their dad. When she finds them they are at the Ball Field talking since Rafael was saying goodbye to his brother (for now). So she walks over to them and sits next to Josie.

Hope: What are my favorite twins talking about today... let me guess new hot werewolf?

Lizzie: For one we are your only twin friends you have, and how did you know that we were talking about the new kid?

Josie: Cause Lizzie what else would we be talking about right after giving a tour to a new kid?

Lizzie: I don't know maybe how our friend left in the middle of the night without leaving a note to go on a mission during a annual sleepover? 

Hope: I did leave a note if your checked our group chat.

They pull out their phones and then Hope realizes that she forgot to hit send so she hurries and hits it. then the twins look at her like really did you just do that.

Josie: Did you forget to hit send again?

Hope: On my defense I was tired and your dad woke me up to chase down a werewolf so yea i have my reasons, and you know you could of sent me a text to ask were I was.

Then M.G. walks over and takes one look at the group and asks.

M.G.: Did Hopey forget to send a text again?

Hope: Ok for one never call me Hopey again we've had this conversation about this before and I will kill you again, and for two yes I did and they will fill you in cause I have to go change and train...BYE!!!!!!!!!!

 After a long training session and talking with the twins and M.G. again and them talking her into going to the party tonight instead of turning. Which she might do that later.

A/N: Like I said I will be changing the story also sorry if anything is slept wrong I'm can't spell if my life depended on it also this is my first fanfic hope you like it.

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